Sunday I was looking into hybrid schools for the kids for next year (ones where they go on site to a school for 2 days and then do homeschool for the rest of the week). I happened to come across one in Oxford that sounded really promising but Oxford is 45 minutes away. So while I was googling I looked for houses for sale near the school and came across this BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC house.

For once I got real spontaneous and called up my real estate agent. Quite honestly I immediately had regrets because I knew the price of this house was above my comfort zone but I figured it wouldn't hurt to go look. And it was good we went and looked because even though the house was really beautiful, the location was not good- right off a busy 4 lane road and the neighbors were questionable. The location was enough to help me properly let go of my dream house. The house also has a tenant in the upstairs for another year so that would have meant for a rough first year, only being able to live on the first floor.
But looking also seemed to inspire something in Tyler and he's talking about how he should get all his projects done this summer and then maybe we can think about moving for reals. I'd be ok with a new location, I have kind of been itching for a change in my life. And I would love to find a house with a garage, bigger kitchen and a master bathroom- just a few of my requests ;)
On Monday the girls and I read a book about Sneezy the Snowman, learned about solids and liquids, and made ice cream in a bag. It actually turned out really yummy and I think in the end the girls decided it was worth the hard work of shaking the bag for ten minutes.
Tuesday night Tyler and I decided to go on a date, I really needed a night out with him. We went to a Chinese Restaurant that a friend had introduced to him and it actually was really good- not super greasy food like some can have. And then because he loves me, we drove over to another hybrid school that I had been looking at in Farmington Hills. This one is only 25 minutes away but seems a little more polished than the one in Oxoford that seemed more homey. And it was slightly nicer looking from the outside. After our drive by, he took me to Dairy Twist and bought me a cookie ice cream sandwich. It wasn't nearly as good as the cookie sandwich place in Arizona but I had to give it a try.
Wednesday the flowers for our youth fundraiser were delivered to my house and there really weren't as many as I was thinking there might be so it wasn't too difficult to unload and then to sort them with the young women that night. But unfortunately the picture below shows all the ones that people still have to pick up and I have been struggling to keep them alive in this awful Michigan weather. It's been 30's at night and 50's during the day. I covered them at night to be safe but had about 4 flats that just didn't make it. Which means we had to replace them and that cuts into profits. Super frustrating. On top of the burden of keeping them alive I have had to deal with our Bishop who is making me batty. He made arrangements for us to keep someone's flowers for longer than the 3 days without consulting me (or even telling me at all about it, I heard when someone else was trying to arrange delivery) and then he tried to cover up by telling me had asked my counselor to hold on to them- he hadn't. He apparently has lost his job again and unfortunately when he is unemployed he is all up in my business and trying to micromanage me and I am just not sure I can continue to respond nicely to the things he does.

Thursday I had my dentist appointment to a crown fixed and cavity filled. I felt super anxious about it and so I probably wasn't a super pleasant customer. But thankfully it wasn't too awful and it hasn't been bothering me since.
Thursday night Lucy suddenly lost the ability to straighten one of her legs. She didn't fall on it, bump it, hit it....anything! I'm not sure what's going on and if anything really is at all. All I know is she has been limping around like an invalid and I am hopeful that maybe it is just mild growing pains that she is exagerrating. She does seem to be walking around better today (Saturday).
Today I have been just working to get all those flowers out of my care so I am no longer responsible for killing them. I only need one more family to come and pick up. Of course that one family made a big stink about how difficult this was for them. They literally have to pick up the flowers from my house and take them to 2 houses. That's it. And then they have earned money for their youth to go to camp. And one of their teens can drive. Seems easy enough. But it always end up being the same small group of people that do all the work because people try to weasel their way out of things. Super frustrating.
End with a story... Penny and Lucy had gone to Sharon's house (our older neighbor across the way) and were playing Uno. Penny reported "I won twice and Lucy won twice. But Sharon never won, sadly." She felt so bad for Sharon, sweet girl.
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