Saturday, May 15, 2021

Soccer, Potter Park Zoo, Baby Shower

 It was a week full of things. Monday Ben had his last soccer practice so I decided I should probably go since I hadn't been to one yet. Also, they had the parents play against the kids so I wanted to go support Ben defeating his dad ;). Most of the parents played nice, except for Tyler. Tyler had a lot of fun talking smack talk and he was also super sore the next day. The girls and I huddled under blankets and tried to stay warm, it was a chilly spring day. I didn't take any pictures, I have kind of failed at that lately, but I do have this pic of his team that they posted on facebook awhile back. Him and his friend Jacob were probably the oldest on the team. Ben has really been enjoying soccer so we signed him up for a summer league. It is a little more pricey and polished (professional coaches instead of volunteers) so we will see how it goes.

Tuesday I had the meeting for the homeschool hybrid school in Farmington Hills. I left the meeting excited and thinking we would try their homeschool option instead of their hybrid option. In the homeschool option you pick any 4 classes they offer and I was under the belief you went to these classes twice a week. But after a phone call with the director, I learned that these classes only meet once a week and math is not a class option. So I went back to the hybrid option. 4 core classes and 2 electives, meet in person twice a week and do virtual/homeschool the rest of the week. I have officially signed the kids up and I feel pretty good about it. They have small classes (12-16 students), they have teachers that teach a specific subject that they're qualified for, the curriculum is really good with no liberal stuff in it, this school was able to stay consistent during covid, the kids will wear uniforms, the only cost is registration (no paying for homeschool curriculum) and hopefully this will be the support I need so I can handle homeschooling. I really do like the idea that I will have 2 days with no kids but still have my kids the rest of the week, seems like a good mix. Anyways we have committed for the next school year and if we had to drop for any reason, we would have to pay $1000 per kid to get out of it (has to do with funding) so I am hoping I made the right choice. 

Tuesday evening I went to a Bunco friend's surprise party. We really only talk at Bunco so I was surprised I was invited but I accepted because I desperately needed a girl's night and who can pass up free food?? It was really nice to be out, eat yummy food and socialize with growns up. The only thing is that I am finding myself in the minority when it comes to not being vaccinated for Covid. There was only one other person there who hasn't been vaccinated and isn't planning to, everyone else was so excited about it and planning to have their teens vaccinated. I am just not comfortable with it. We don't know the long term effects and that makes me nervous. A lot of people who have Covid are still getting vaccinated and I know the CDC suggests you get vaccinated even if you have had Covid but they really have no rationale or logic for it. Neither having it nor the vaccine can protect from all the strains. Most people who had Covid and got the vaccine are saying they got it because they wanted to be able to do things again. I don't like that reasoning. Anyways I am struggling with what is the right decision in all this. But enough of that, here is a picture I stole off Instagram from the party.

Wednesday Steven had a ym's activity cheering on a friend at his track meet. Because I haven't had to go unknown places where parking could be tricky, I got super anxious about taking Steven. Anxiety can really turn molehills into mountains. It turned out to be not a big deal and we found parking no problem and his ym leaders no problem. Later that night I had my activity at the park. We just learned to read and write cursive for indexing purposes. The weather was perfect and it was fun watching the girls try to figure out how to read super old and messy cursive. 

Thursday we went to Potter Park Zoo with the May's to celebrate Andrea's birthday. We swapped kids for the drive there which always helps alleviate cries of boredom and once there, David and Steven split off and did their own thing- which apparently consisted of aggravating a howler monkey and watching geese flirt. It's a small zoo and they had all their buildings closed because of covid so it didn't take long to walk the whole thing. We ended up spending a good chunk of time sitting at a picnic table while the kids played. I really do love how well our kids get along. Afterwards Ben went with the May family so he could get a special birthday dessert with Andrea on the way back. It was a massive shake so he had an extra good day.

Friday the weather was really good so Lucy and I decided to go on a bike ride to the library. On the way there I easily got my bike over a pipe that was on the path. On the way back I got stupid and decided to go at it fast. Well my bike didn't go over it but I did. My whole body still hurts from that dumb mistake. Lucy laughed at me and told me she knew that was a bad idea. Ha, thanks a lot.

Friday evening I hosted my friend Ashlee's baby shower. I knew it was going to be hard and it was. So much baby talk and I did mostly ok with that but I struggled when they all got to talking about how they never wanted to have another baby. I know she's had a really hard pregnancy but oh man, how I wish I could get pregnant. But it really wasn't all terrible and I am glad I was able to do that for her. I even made a watermelon "cake" that was pretty yummy and looked cute- too bad I forgot to document it. 

Saturday I spent all morning filling out and uploading documents to registed the kids for this hybrid homeschool. So much work. Really, really hoping I made the right decision. Then we all went as a family to Ben's last soccer game. Ben's team got creamed but good old Ben scored a goal (literally their only goal) so I was glad I got to see that. 

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