Saturday, April 3, 2021

Spring Break

This past Sunday we had in person church so we took our traditional Easter pictures since it will be General Conference on Easter Sunday. This time the kids decided to doll up the guinea pigs so they could be in the pictures too. This was a good decision because then the kids were way more excited and cooperative taking pictures.

Monday was Ben's birthdy so we celebrated by having 4 of his friends over- AJ, Andrea, Beck and Jacob. Last minute I come up with a few activties- they played Nintendo Bingo, learned how to draw Link from Zelda by watching a Youtube video (half of the kids really enjoyed this, half of them not so much) and they went on a "Yoshi" egg hunt which was shockingly just like an Easter Egg Hunt. The egg hunt wasn't super successful- apparently some eggs were just too tricky to find which is weird becuase I didn't hide them any more trickier than at the hunt we had had a couple weeks ago. After the activities the kids played on the Nintendo Switch while I made lunch. Then they ate lunch, then more nintendo switch, some playing outside with foam swords and last- cake and ice cream and presents. Ben had a great time and was spoiled rotten. But I didn't have the best time. One of the party attendees was unenthused with the activities, disgruntled with taking turns on the switch, and did not like my food. He was a pretty difficult guest. Who knew 11 year olds could be such prima donnas?

For his birthday he got Pokemon cards and a Subway gift card from my parents, a gameboy player from Tyler's parents, Mario Kart 8 and a Link Amiibo from us, 11 candies and $20 from AJ, Laser guns from Beck, Charmander Lego set from Jacob and notebook and cool dino pen from Andrea. 

Tuesday was our one warm day this week so we went back out to Detroit with the Bloomfield's and May's and walked the Dequindre Cut Trail again. I think it was a lot more fun with friends. They all seemed to enjoy chatting with one another and goofing off and boy did we add some crazy to that trail with our big gang.

We didn't have any big plans for Wednesday. We did a run to the library in the morning and me and the girls bought some things for a care package for a friend that has covid. Then Steven hung out at Max's house in the afternoon.

Thursday we were going to watch "Raya and the Last Dragon" at a friend's house but her husband got Covid so that plan got scratched.  Instead we ended up going to see it in the theater. It was nice to go see a movie in the theater again and we all really enjoyed it. It had a good message about unity and trust. After the movie we had our Mystery/Prank dinner. The kids picked 3 things for each course but they didn't know what they were picking because the menu was just numbers. Ben got a fork and pudding first. I ended up with spaghetti and no bowl or fork. Penny got spaghetti in a bowl but no fork. It's a fun tradition that we started last year.

Friday Tyler had off work so we took the kids bowling. Steven is getting pretty good. Tyler has always been pretty good. But the rest of us have much room for improvement. There were two times that Penny got the ball in the gutter...even though we had bumpers. There were also two times that her ball was so slow that it literally didn't make it to the pins. She had a good attitude about it all and so it was still a good time. I even got a score of a hundred for one round which is really impressive for me ;)

Saturday we had General Conference, dyed Easter Eggs and ate our traditional Last Supper. The Easter Egg dying was done in a rush because Jacob came over wanting to play outside and they really wanted to go out and play.

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