Saturday, March 27, 2021

Easter Egg Hunt, Chungus Day

 Our Easter Egg Hunt last Saturday was a success. I had spread out the eggs in the backyard and front yard and then hid some around both yards too. Then we hid some eggs in the house for the teens. When the kids came we had the younger ones go out our back door and the middles go out our front door and then the teens got to search the house. Everyone got a good amount of eggs and seemed to have a good time. The teens all found a golden egg with money- even the golden egg that was in the toilet tank. Then afterwards all the kids spread out their candy, traded it and then consumed far too much of it while the grown ups got to chat. I think I will have to make this a yearly tradition.

Monday the weather was amazing so I sent Caroline a last minute text to see if her family wanted to meet us at a park. They did, so we got to go enjoy the beautiful weather with friends at the park. We also saw my friend Julie (the mom of triplets) at the park. When Caroline's family left, all my kids gathered around me and Julie happened to snap a picture of my crowd ;)

Monday evening we celebrated Isaac by making butterflies and decorating a giant butterfly cookie. It was a nice thing that Tyler headed up since I told him I wanted to do something to celebrate Isaac.

Tuesday was another beautiful weather day so I took the kids (well all but Steven) along with me to drop off some things with some of my YW in Milford and then we stopped at Milford Central Park. We decided to do some exploration of the woods around and the kids had fun walking on the stones in the river. It took Penny a bit to get brave but eventually they were all hopping from stone to stone and I was praying no one fell in. It was shallow but it was such mucky water.

Wednesday all 4 kids went to the dentist for their regular check up. No cavities, yay! And then that evening my yw had a Zoom meeting where one of the leaders sisters taught us how to do Zentangles. She was nice enough to not only teach us but also donate the supplies which we had dropped off. During the activity my yw mostly left their cameras off and didn't say anything which was frustrating, they didn't seem super grateful by doing that but teens... Other than that, I really enjoyed it because I love artsy things.

Thursday our neighbor Sharon came over and helped us repot some of the plants she had helped the kids start to grow. We determined Lucy has the green thumb and Ben not so much since none of his plants were growing and all of hers were flourishing. After she helped with the plants, I took the oldest 3 on a bike ride to the library to get some books. 

Friday while I was cleaning the house my friend Rebekka called and we had a nice 2 hour chat catching up on all the things. Then that evening Tyler and I went on a date, which was really just us running some errands. This time while we were out Lucy had the home cell and she sent me soooo many texts. She was sure enjoying sending me all sorts of taco stickers.

That night we forced Penny to let us pull her other front tooth. It was so loose that we worried it might fall out and choke her during the night. She was not happy about it that night but the next day she had come to terms with losing it.

Saturday was Chungus day- that weird holiday I created when I was trying to cheer myself up last year. We say it's the day that Chungus (the Easter bunny's lesser known brother) comes to drop off a garbage bag full of books and things. The kids were excited about there new books, although Steven didn't feel the need to pose for a picture.

After lunchtime I decided to try out the bike rack I got for Christmas and we took our bikes over to a trail in Wixom and took the trail to Clara Miller Park. Penny has anxiety with crossing busy roads but other than that it was a good time.

Our last activty for Chungus Day was to decorate a bunny cake and eat it for dessert. It turned out rather terrifying. My kids make creepy things.

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