Saturday, April 10, 2021

Easter and the Covid

Easter Sunday I was super achy but I blamed it on exercising- too bad it turned out that I actually had Covid. I took a lot of Tylenol that day and it helped everything to be bearable so we were still able to continue on with our Easter traditions of hiding baskets, Easter Bunny pancakes and our fancy Ham and potatoes dinner. The kids really love getting their notes from the Easter Bunny and searching for their baskets. They got super spoiled- you can thank our Govt Stimulus checks for that.

Steven's basket was hidden in the shoe closet (somewhere with things that have laces and that stinks) Highlights for Steven- a Moroni tie, waterballoons, pancake batter  dispenser, and cards with a picture he made.

Penny's basket was hidden on the toilet (Somewhere that you see pee) Highlights for Penny: things for a Fairy Garden, a Mermaid that holds bows on its hair, a Roblox sticker book (she used it up that day) and a book about her.

Lucy's basket was hidden in the basement on the freezer (Somewhere that has food) Highlights for Lucy: a Taco Bell shirt (to wear on Fridays when she picks up tacos with dad), a unicorn that also works as a bow holder, Girls Doodle Book, and cooking knives that are kid friendly (and come with gloves)

Ben's basket was hidden in the recycling bin (Somewhere you stash trash). Highlights for Ben: Easy Hymn Piano Book, Pokemon wallet, baby hands, and water balloons.

Highlights for Dad: Taco Bell shirt, Link minifigure, Zelda stickers and water balloons.

I didn't take a picture with my basket but I got some drawing books, a new dress and a puzzle. After Easter Baskets I made the bunny pancakes.

Monday I finally gave in to the possibility that I might have Covid and went to take the Covid test. It was a diy test at CVS and that made me anxious because I don't like to inflict pain on myself and also I was so worried I would do it wrong. The lady behind the window was not a bit helpful but I guess I did it right. Because Covid is spreading like crazy right now, I didn't find out until Thursday morning that I tested positive for Covid. Thursday was also the day that I lost my sense of smell and taste. That is such a bizarre sensation, to eat but not taste a thing. It definitely makes food less satisfying. 

Tuesday I had a Zoom Mtg with my presidency and because I wasn't feeling well, I felt like a space cadet and it wasn't a super smooth meeting. Oh well. Hopefully I didn't embarass myself too much. And because of stupid Covid, we had to cancel our in person activity Wed and do yet another virtual activity. That was a bummer.

Wednesday was an extra warm day so the boys broke out their water balloons that they had gotten for Easter. All the kdis had a lot of fun throwing them at each other and playing random games with them- hot potato, "duck,duck,splash", did some relay races, sat on them, tried to launch them with towels...But their most favorite thing to do with them was to pretend they were penises and pee with them or explode them. Kids are gross.

The rest of this week has been pretty uneventful. My progression of Covid has been- achy body, headache, congestion, cough, and bouts of tiredness sprinkled throughout it all. It hasn't been fun but it hasn't been awful. I just really miss the outside world, and the weather has been so good that it's been such a bummer to not be able to properly enjoy it. However, my boredom has caused me to do some Spring cleaning so I suppose that's a benefit in this all. 

Lastly, remember how I made some signs for a (non-profit) business that a lady from my Bunco group works for? Well her business posted a pic that used my sign...and they didn't acknowledge it was my work. So for once in my life, I said something. Then she added the tag and sent me the pictures that used my work. It didn't drum me up any business...seeing how I am not a business. But it was nice to be acknowledged and I think the pictures turned out really amazing so I felt proud to see my work looking all official. 

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