Saturday, April 17, 2021


 Not a whole lot to report from this week seeing how I was under quarantine. Basically spent my time homeschooling the kids and taking afternoon naps- Covid can make you real tired. Plus the persistent headache can make it hard to focus and think and Tylenol does not seem to help.

I did have to teach the Young Women's lesson Sunday and I had 3 meetings to attend but thankfully I managed to power through all the things and even keep my wits about me. I think that was a blessing. I also had a lot of youth participation in my lesson which always makes me happy and makes for a better lesson. 

As I mentioned before, we are doing a fundraiser for the youth selling flowers (yw) and mulch (ym). This week we officially started it, the website went live and the youth passed out fliers for their Wednesday activity. The day before this activity was to happen the Bishop (who I had told about this activity weeks ago) decided he had qualms with us passing out fliers and wanted to cancel it. He had lots of ridiculous reasons to cancel it but what it boils down to is that he was trying to last minute plan something with the ym and our plans would conflict with his last minute plans. It was super frustrating but thankfully my counselors really stood with me and we were able to keep the activity. There was another issue the night of when he sent out all these flier guidelines and one of my leaders didn't agree with one of the guidelines. So quite honestly, I will be so happy when this fundraiser is over.

Thursday it had been over 10 days since my symptoms had started so I broke quarantine to take the girls on a date they had earned by taking notes during General Conference. We picked up bundt cake (Lucy's choice) and picked up smoothies (Penny's choice). It was a rainy day but still nice to get out of the house at long last. 

Saturday the girls had their last online class of "Cheer."I think they enjoyed it and I will miss hearing their "cheer voice" and the different cheer positions (high V, low V, T, broken T). I am liking this Outschool stuff because Covid can't ruin it. Steven is also taking a class on writing essays through Outschool and I am hoping it helps because he is terrible at essays and I have not been much help.

Today, Saturday, Ben will have his first soccer game. He had one last week that he couldn't attend because of me having the Covid. But I heard his team did really bad (the neighbor, Jacob, is on it too). It'll be interesting to see how they do today.

This week I introduced the boys to my favorite scary movie "The Quiet Place." They loved it and didn't seem to scared by it. Especially because then they wanted to see more so they also watched "Signs" this week. It was fun watching movies I actually like with them. And it was fun to see their reactions, they were real chatty during the movies because I think that helped them feel less scared.

Last thing, cute pictures of Tyler and Lucy with their Taco Bell shirts, and some tacos.

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