Saturday, March 6, 2021

A Walk and a Haircut

 Last Saturday the weather had warmed up (we're currently in the stage of bipolar weather, temperatures are constantly changing) and so I took the 3 youngest kids on a walk across the street. It's funny to see my kids walking in the snow hardly dressed for cold weather but 40's and 50's just don't seem that cold after you've been in the teens. I had a moment during the walk as I watched them surrounded by tall trees and patches of snow on the ground where it just hit me what an idyllic childhood they have. I think they are so blessed to be able to hop across the street for a walk in the woods and to be able to experience the changing temperatures. And side note- Lucy reminds me so much of my Grandma Palmer, always eating the snow.

Before we went on the walk Ben built a snowman but with the warm temperatures it didn't make it very long. When we came home it had already lost its head.

Sunday the boys got much needed haircuts from Tyler. As a joke Tyler cut Ben a mohawk... but then we decided to let it stay. We both feel like it's such a disconnect to his sweet personality that it's just kind of funny. Grams informed us that she saw some other boys with a similar haircut so it must be in style. We shall see how long we let it stay.

We were pretty big homebodies for most of the week. The kids got into perler beads again so we did have to get out and get some more beads. When I went to get them I discovered Hobby Lobby is no longer offering their 40% coupon- that was disappointing. I loved using that coupong to get my puzzles. 

Lucy also started a new project with our neighbor Sharon. Lucy found a pattern for making a Minecraft stuffie and she decided she wanted to make one. I told her to see if Sharon wanted to help her and she did. We are so lucky to have a neighbor that's willing to help my kids do projects and other misc things. I feel like she's their home ec teacher sometimes and I am grateful for her. Here's Lucy's progress so far.

Wednesday was our one day where we got out and did something. It was another warm weather day (after some bitter cold days) so we met some friends at Scarlet'a Park. We spent a couple hours their just relishing the great weather. Steven and his friend David walked down to Seven Eleven and got some junk food. I sat and chatted with Caroline and a friend from the neighborhood, Julie. Julie is really trying to create a homeschool community so she had invited a bunch of people- some people she doesn't even know. She is much more outgoing than me. I also saw a mom from Penny's former Jr Kinder class. We had always chatted while we waited for the our girls to get out of class. It was nice to see her again.

Wednesday night we had an activity at the church. My friend Caroline taught the girls the YW's theme in sign language. That counted as a spiritual activity so we were able to have it at the church. Unfortunately only 3 girls showed upand 4 girls joined via Zoom. I was bummed that we didn't get more girls there. I think people are getting too used to being able to join activities from the comfort of their home. Regardless, it was a good activity. I thought it was kind of beautiful to see the signs for the theme and it also really helped me to focus on the words and the messages of the theme.

Friday night I had some friends over to puzzle- Caroline, Ashlee and Melissa. Julie was going to join us but ended up cancelling last minute. They all came a half an hour late which made me feel kind of disgruntled- you know me and punctuality. And I just have felt sort of off in general lately so it just wasn't a great night. There was a lot of baby talk. A lot. And I know Ashlee is pregnant so that's to be expected but I feel like Melissa just kept bringing up the subject. I feel like I can handle baby talk in doses but too much just gets to me. And then they talked about my friend who is still not talking to me and that brought up more disgruntled feelings. So like I said, it was an off night and not really enjoyable. I think as we approach all these dates that are year markers of my loss of Issac I will probably not be my best self and I am thinking I might need to take a break from girl's night so I don't scare all my friends away with my sour puss attitude.

And I'll end with a picture of Steven just to prove that he is alive despite him constantly pushing my buttons. He loves to hang out in the guest room, laying on the bed and throwing a ball up in the air and catching it. My teen is weird. 

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