Saturday, February 27, 2021


Not too many exciting things happen in the winter in Michigan. On Monday our highlight was that we went out to dinner at Red Robins. We had a gift card given to us ages ago that we finally used. We discovered there that our kids are not huge fans of onion rings. I also reaffirmed the fact that Red Robin's NEVER settles well; which is probably why I procrastinated using the gift card. On a better note, Penny was so matchy matchy that I had to take a picture of her cute, pink self on the way there.

Wednesday Penny and I had a smoothie date at lunchtime. We got one for us to share and one that we dropped off for a friend in Milford. It was a lot of driving so she made for good company. That evening I had a virtual yw's activity which was kind of a mess. It was supposed to be doing typing games because a few of the girls had goals to be better at typing. Unfortunately the girl in charge didn't really put in any effort to find games and so there was a lot of scrambling. Oh well, maybe the girl in charge learned a lesson?

Thursday we had my friend's kid over and she was just a typical toddler, taking all the things out. But she's a pretty even tempered kid and good listener so I don't mind watching her. I was glad to be able to help my friend out. That evening I met my friend Stefanie in Milford and we sat in her car and chatted about all the things. We are both going through our own struggles and it was nice to be able to commiserate with one another and have a good cry together. She is such a good friend.

Friday Ben and Lucy had their second paino lesson with my friend Caroline. We are trading services, she teaches them piano and Tyler teaches her son coding. She is much better at teaching it then me and I hope we can stick with it. She stayed for a bit after and we had a good chat. That evening I picked up some bundt cake. I was getting one for one on my young women and so I had to get one for myself too. Penny came along with me and we picked up some socks at Walmart after we got the cake. She was in a silly (and loud) mood. When we walked past the underwear she shouted "Undwear!?Disgusting!" And when we left Walmart I complained that I had just spent $40 on socks (I had to get socks for the whole family). She shouted "Forty dollars on stupid socks!?"

Also, this week, Penny decided she wanted to look like a ballerina so she got all dressed up and I did her hair. Then she pranced around the house.She's a cutie.


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