Saturday, October 5, 2019

Spicer Orchard

Time is flying by! Sunday I got called and set apart as Young Women's President so now it's all official *gulp* I ended up with a pretty good group of counselors and advisers- although I still don't have a Mia Maid Adviser. People kept telling me congratulations and I kind of found that irking. I haven't done anything yet to warrant congratulations- condolences would have been more appropriate. 

On Monday Penny had school but the other kids were off for a Jewish Holiday (Walled Lake School District has a high Jewish population). It wasn't that big of a deal until it was time to take Penny to school and nobody wanted to come with her. That broke her heart. We ended up having Andrea and Peter over for the morning and that was nice. It kept the kids entertained and I was able to clean the house. After Penny was done with school we all went on our traditional visit to Spicer Orchard to pick apples and eat donuts. Pretty much the kids would have been fine to bypass the hayride and apple picking and just eaten donuts but I have really been enjoying eating fresh apples this week. They just taste better than the ones from the store.

That night Lucy's last front tooth was dangling by a thread and she finally submitted to having Tyler pull it. She wasn't too traumatized and she was extra excited to finally be able to sing "All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth. I seriously love her new smile! I think she's the first of our kids to actually be missing both front teeth at the same time.

Tuesday I did my usual volunteering and then I had my annual check up at the obgyn. It was tough to go there and be surrounded by pregnant women and not be pregnant myself. In my plans for myself, I thought I would be one of those pregnant women by now. I had Dr. Herman (she was the one that delivered Penny) and honestly she was exactly who I needed. She didn't discount my crazy emotional feelings and she basically told me I need to calm down and be patient (sounds a lot like what I keep hearing from Heavenly Father. Ironically enough the song "Calm Down" by Taylor Swift was playing when I got in the car after my appointment. 

Funny/embarrassing story..Tuesday night I had my phone open to a group text to parents reminding them about mutual the next night. Unfortunately my girls got to my phone (not sure if purposefully or accidentally) and they sent 16 gifs of a cat filing it's nails and one of Judge Judy rolling her eyes. It was a real good beginning to my start as YW's president. I was so embarrassed.

Wednesday was my first day in a long time with no set plans. I did a good long work out, took my time getting ready for the day, ran a couple errands and binged watched some Netflix while getting things done around the house. It was a good day that went far too quickly. 

Steven had a cross country meet that afternoon and the weather was awful- 60's and raining. Luckily Tyler was able to make it so I skipped that one. This time he got 18th place so huge improvement. A friend that used to be in our ward, Dalin was racing against him and Dalin got 17th place. I am always a bit competitive when it comes to that family so I was a little annoyed that he missed beating him by seconds but like I said he improved for him so that was a bonus.

Wednesday night we had a Spa Night for mutual at my house. It was the first night with me being in charge and it was a bit awkward- I don't quite feel responsible enough to be the head honcho. I tried to interact with the girls and think of questions to ask them to help me get to know them. I did good mostly, but sometimes my mind blanked. My leaders on the other hand mostly socialized with each other and then one of them kept trying to turn the spa night into a planning meeting...ugh.

Thursday afternoon I had a sub job for someone at the boy's old school. She warned me that the sub that she had yesterday had left her a 2 page note about how awful her class was. I got a bit nervous but honestly, it wasn't so bad. It was an easy afternoon with lunch, computer time, recess, etc and the kids were a tad dramatic but I have had worse, ha ha! 

Friday I got called by the office at Commerce, telling me to pick Lucy up because her tummy hurt. Well by the end of the day- after she ate all her meals and never threw up and didn't have a fever- she finally admitted that she really wasn't sick, she just wanted to play hooky. It was frustrating and we had a long talk and hopefully she'll be more honest in the future.

I also had a YW Presidency meeting Friday and it was like 3 hours long, we had soooo much to cover. But I think it went well. Chalsea was actually more on board with me wanting to get the girls to plan and lead things then I expected. And it was actually my counselor that kept driving me a little nuts. She kept trying to complicate things and then I also found out she spent $45 on cheesecake for the Marriage Panel. What the What!? Anyways this will be a fun learning curve for all of us and we shall see how it goes.

Friday night my friend Caroline came over and we did a puzzle and had a real good chat. It had been a long exhausting week and it was good to vent it all to her. She is a real good friend. 

Saturday morning I got my new washing maching which is miraculous! It is so quiet and it doesn't jump around- I hope it continues to be a winner. After it was delivered we had breakfast with the YM and YW at the Bishop's house. Once again I tried to make conversation with the girls, super fun. All this socializing is really wearing me down. Then it was General Conference, where once again big changes were made- no more YM's Presidency. I almost thought I was a goner too which was a mix of emotions but no such luck. Tonight we'll find out what changes are in store for YW's. Hopefully they don't erase all our planning we did.

And here's Penny's cute Jr Kinder Picture:

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