Saturday, October 12, 2019

Longs Farm, Color Run, Field Trip with Penny

Monday, after a busy day of errands and cleaning, we went to Longs Farm as a family to get more of my beloved Fall donuts. I am of the opinion that Longs makes some of the best donuts. We ended up getting 2 dozen and I spent a better part of the week eating them.

On Tuesday I ended up skipping out on volunteering and instead I subbed for Penny's teacher, Mrs. Richter. It was one of the easiest jobs I've had in awhile. She only has 16 kids in her class and in the morning there is an aide that pretty much took charge- which I don't mind at all. She's got a couple stinkers in her class but overall it's a good bunch so a good day. In the afternoon we had the Color Run and that's was my first time going to a school Color Run (and my kids have had them for the last few years). I guess they just had to make me work to get me there. The kids basically just ran a bunch of laps and got color thrown at them and then afterwards blew bubbles and jumped rope. Penny seemed to have a lot of fun.

Wednesday the older 3 didn't have school but Penny did and I had a sub job for the morning. Tyler was nice and stayed home to watch the ones with no school while I subbed. When I got back I took the older ones on a bike ride to the library. On the ride I realized just how tall Ben and Lucy have gotten- they definitely need a new bike for Christmas. The weather was cool and it was good bike ride- even if Lucy was riding sooooo slowly. She can be such a pokey puppy.

Wednesday night for our youth activity, I taught the young women how to hand letter and do some fun fingerprint art. I was worried it was going to fall short in time or not peak the girl's interest but for the most part they all seemed to have a good time. It was fun sharing my hobby with them and it was fun seeing them enjoy it.

Thursday I delivered a girl's night basket (it had spa stuff and a Redbox giftcard) to a young woman who's mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. We thought this might help them to have some good bonding time together. The mom sent me a text that night telling me how grateful she was for the gesture. I am glad she liked it because I had been struggling about what we could do to show them we are thinking of them. I am so glad that I did good.

For lunch that day I picked up Tyler and we had Subway at Milford park again. I'm going to be sad when the weather gets to cold for our picnic lunches. There is something about sitting out in beautiful weather that makes the date all the sweeter. And a tender mercy was that a man was there to mow but saw a friend and got talking with him and didn't end up mowing until after we finished up our lunch. Much easier to chat without a running lawnmower. 

Thursday afternoon Steven had his third Cross Country Meet. Once again he was racing against a kid at church that I feel a bit competitive towards. Unfortunately he did not get even close to beating him this time. That kid totally left him in the dust. He got the same exact place as last time, 18th, only this time he was only racing against the boys (not the girls too) so I'm not sure if that means he did worse. I will be interested to see what his time was when they email them out. Last time he got 7 min 40 secs for a mile.

Thursday night I had a Stake Leadership Training Meeting. They talked a lot about how we are only to be mentors and be there as a help but from now on the girls are in charge of planning and carrying out Sundays and Wednesday night activities. The girls were already being assigned to take charge of activities so I don't feel like this is too much of a change and we were already discussing things along this line at our Presidency meeting so I'm not super worried about this. My Secretary just drove me a little crazy asking a question I had already given her an answer too while we were there *sigh*

Friday I was able to go with Penny on her class field trip to Mitchell's Farm in Holly. The bus ride was loooong and bumpy and I thought I was going to fall out of my seat at every turn but we survived. She insisted on sitting with her buddies so I sat on the seat across from her with another girl in our group. When we got there we got to "climb into a pumpkin" and then we went on a hayride to go pick pumpkins. Penny wasn't too picky about her pumpkin but one of the girls in my group insisted that she had to get a small one and she didn't want it to be dirty. It took her awhile to find the specific one she had in mind. Afterwards we watched them make kettle corn and ate lunch. The last thing they did was play! There was a room full of corn, a room with bouncy things, one with slides and then a fun play area outside. Penny's favorite thing was climbing on the giant, rolled hay bales outside. She could've climbed all day. Thankfully it was time to go, just before the rain started coming down.

Saturday morning I saw "Downton Abbey" with friend Stacie. It was a good movie minus the part where they had to have the gay butler go to an underground gay club- ugh. Even my friend felt like it was just thrown in and didn't mesh with the rest of the movie. Afterwards I got the tour Stacie's new house and then we had a good chat. We talked about lots of things, including prophets and missions. It's always nice to talk to people about our church, she seems mostly just curious but I don't mind the opportunity to share our beliefs. Then that afternoon/evening Steven and I went to watch one of my young women at her marching band competition. It was actually pretty fun to see a marching band competition in general and I think Steven enjoyed it. The only bummer was that it was FREEZING. We dropped from 60's to 40's and that was real rough. We had a blanket and I wasn't feeling too cold until we made the trek to the car. When I got in the car I was shivering so bad that Steven was worried I would be unable to drive. I was still able to drive and even took us to Wendy's for dinner. So it was a fun day overall, just not very productive. 


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