Saturday, October 19, 2019


I went to download pictures for this week and realized I hadn't taken any. It's just been one of those weeks that's been busy but nothing to cute and fun to document. On Sunday I had my first experience with meetings before and after church and the kids getting to come along for the ride. It was such a long day and the kids do alright all things considered but I am not sure how I am going to do this week after week.  

On Monday I had my first experience visiting an investigator with the missionaries. Is it sad that I have been a member of this church since birth and this was my first time doing that (at least the I can remember)? It was a really good experience. Her name is Ashley, she is 25, she lives just across the road from me and she is married and has a step daughter that she watches on the weekends. She seems genuinely interested in the church and has been reading the Book of Mormon. When we visited her again Thursday we learned that she had been sharing her feelings and things that she has been learning with her cousin and now her cousin is interested in getting a Book of Mormon too. It's been good for me to be there and have a chance to share my own feelings and thoughts- it helps strengthen my own testimony.

Tuesday I was able to volunteer in the library. I really love volunteering there because I leave feeling like I was productive- books were checked in and books were shelved. After the library I went to Lucy's class to help out. Her class is a little bit chaotic and I am not sure I did much help with writing but rather did more helping wrangle kids. It felt a lot like subbing and it wasn't my favorite. BUT I really do like getting in my kids classroom and seeing how their teachers teach and meeting their classmates.

Wednesday I was Penny's guest teacher again and I'm not I can keep doing that. Her class is fantastic and so easy with the aide there but Penny was a huge stinker to me. I was trying to talk to the class once and she pulled up a chair next to me and started distracting her friends. Then in the afternoon during rest time she kept bugging someone and didn't stop when I asked her to. And she spent the last hour of the day whining to me about how hungry she was and at one point she went into my bag and took my snack and started eating it. We had a big talk about all this but ugh.

Wednesday evening for mutual we helped set up for the winter clothing drive at our church. This was actually a pretty enjoyable activity for the most part. I got to sort boots by size and I really do like organizing. The only hitch was when the kids got in to a bit of flirting fest with one of the boys and started chucking boots at him and totally ruining my organization system. I had to pull out my teacher voice and explain to them why that was not ok. It is so weird being the grown up in charge at these things. Sometimes it feels like it wasn't that long ago that I was them. 

Thursday I kept busy sending a thousand texts for yw's and for organizing the Halloween party that's next weekend. I feel like I've been on my phone so much with my calling, I kind of hate it. But I did take a minute Thursday morning to cut 3 inches off my hair which is completely unnoticeable to everyone else but feels real good to me. I didn't realize how straggly my ends had gotten after more than a year of not cutting it. I also got an earful about the hair dresser's drama with her oldest child. I mean she divulged it ALL.

Thursday afternoon I went to a choir performance that one of my young women (Lauren) was in. It was early afternoon at a Jewish Temple and I was most definitely the youngest person there-I was surrounded by fluffs of white hair but that was kind of fun in itself. I love watching choir performances, I just love music and I was really impressed with Lauren. It is fun getting to see my yw share their talents.

Friday I subbed for a kindergarten class and it was a fairly easy day. The other teachers really do not like the teacher I was subbing for though- there was a lot of animosity expressed, sometimes a bit awkward. 

Saturday morning I woke up superbly early and took Tyler to the airport so he can fly to AZ and then drive his parents suburban back here for keeps. It will be so nice to have a vehicle that is much more reliable than his truck. After that early morning, the kids had Primary Program Practice. A few of my YW were their with siblings and I had some good chats with them. Talking with them I am realizing these kids need some guidance on how to teach lessons and I've got to figure out the best way to do this- whether we do classes on it, activities on it or pair them with a mentor? After the practice we ran a few errands, hit up the library and enjoyed a quiet afternoon and evening. 

And here are ALL the school pictures. I feel likes it fun to see them all together. Can't believe how big they're all getting.

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