Saturday, August 3, 2019

Week 5 Arizona and Home to Michigan

Sunday was church and dinner with my family. Then after dinner I went to the Hatch home to say goodbyes but a lot of Tyler's family was missing. Tara's family was sick, Jezerea's family wasn't there, and Logan's family wasn't there at first. Logan's family ended up coming about an hour after we got there which was good because the boys were feeling sad that none of their cousins their age were there. I had a good visit with his family and it was nice to be able to say proper goodbyes. I feel like the trip was good for me because during it I finally cleared the air about feeling like they don't care about us with us being so far away. I don't thing that anything will change but now I am not secretly resentful (now I'm just openly resentful, ha ha). I also feel like I came to terms with the fact that it's just who they are so I'm taking it less personally.

I wanted to keep Monday low key as we prepared to fly home the next day but Poppy really wanted to do some last hurrahs so we went to Dairy Queen for lunch. Mike, Lillian and Emaline met us there.Then afterwards we all went to do some Mini-Golfing at Fat Cats. It was a very small course which would explain why it was so cheap so it went extremely fast. We did the course a couple of times just to drag it out some. I tried to be laid back and not get too annoyed that the kids were mostly just pushing the balls around with their clubs- apparently trying to hit the balls into a hole is just not as fun.

At dinnertime Mike came over with his kids and Poppy watched all the kidlings while Mom, Mike and me went to Costa Vida. I really stuffed myself silly- the food was soooooo good and I miss it already. Plus it was nice to spend time with my brother and mom ;) Then even later Monday Mike and I went to see "Spider-Man: Far From Home." The theater advertised that movies were only $5 on Mondays but we didn't read the fine print that said you had to be a member of their $25 club. So lame. Still it was a real entertaining movie and I had a real good chat with my brother afterwards. 

Tuesday we flew back to Michigan with my mom. Everything went smoothly with check in and security- except for Steven's backpack which had a tin full of crayons from the Crayola Experience- apparently it had bomb potential and had to be checked. Also Penny was pretty volatile and threw a couple nonsensical fits at the airport before we boarded. I'm sure people were real worried about being by her in a plane but as soon as she plugged in, all was well. I sat with Penny and Steven. Grams sat with Ben and Lucy. Apparently the lady in front of Lucy was not very nice and kept falsely accusing Lucy of kicking the seat. Oh well, at least she didn't yell at her. Overall an uneventful flight and it was so good to be back home where the weather is cooler and back with Tyler. He even got me flowers and put up a banner- I was impressed.

Back in Michigan the kids have had a slow adjustment to the time change. Staying up later and waking up later- it's led to slow days which I have kind of loved. Wednesday was mostly spent getting back into gear with real life. 

Thursday Grams and the boys walked while me and the girls rode bikes down to the park to meet some of my friends. One of the friends that we met there, Bethany, is moving next week. She is such an easy, no drama friend and I am sad to see her go. Then Thursday night Grams tagged along with me while I did some school supplies shopping. It was real thrilling ;)

Friday I met up with the same friend and some others to go swimming- Grams was not interested in sitting in the sun so she stayed behind. I'm such a neglectful daughter. Friday night Grams and I went to Olive Garden with the boys while the girls were at a birthday party. Afterwards we went and got the kids backpacks at Kohls (for a real good deal- Grams is such a savvy shopper).

Also this week we have had some frustration. Our water softener was leaking and we had someone come check it out and it is indeed a goner. That's going to be expensive to replace. Then my washing machine has been doing some 45 degree jumps- there's something off in the draining and balance so that may need replaced. Also Tyler's truck died today when he was out looking at water softeners. I picked him up and took him home to get tools and when he came back it miraculously started again. It feels a little bit like everything is deciding to go to the crapper at the same time and I am trying not to be frustrated and negative but....I must keep trying.  

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