Friday, August 2, 2019

Week 2 of Arizona

Sunday was Tyler's birthday and it didn't have a super great beginning. It was fast Sunday so we starved him and then made him go to church. We went to my brother's Ward so we could see Matilda get blessed and afterwards they had a luncheon so Tyler was able to break his fast early. After the luncheon we went back to my parent's house and I made his official birthday banana pie. I think it turned out real good. Then we took the pie over to his parent's house so we could celebrate with his family (and we also moved our stuff over there too- it was there week to get us). Tyler enjoyed conducting the loud, obnoxious birthday singing done by adults. Then he got a second round of singing by all the kids that he cut off short by blowing out the candles early. He is such a man child. Being out of town I was a terrible wife and did not buy him anything but lucky for him both our parents got him something. Mine got him an Amazon gift card and his parents gave him straight up cash (and the promise of a double date with us).

Monday morning was spent chilling but when the fighting between the boys escalated I was determined to get out so we went to Riverview Park in Tempe, AZ. Mariah (who lives at Tyler's parents house with her little family) was babysitting Reese so we took her along. This splash pad was way bigger and more fun than the one we went to the previous week. It also had an awesome playground. If we ever come to AZ when it's not hot, we'll have to try out that playground again.

After that fun we went back to the Hatch home and the boys had fun playing with their little cousins, Jessica and Knox. They really smothered these 2 adorable littles with love.

Tuesday I knew we needed to get out again (because as I said, the fighting!) so we went on an adventure to Tonto Natural Bridge. Reese had spent the night so she got to come with us again. We had some slight hiccups trying to get out...Reese needed tennis shoes, then Penny did too (because we left hers at Grandma Brady's house) and then the car needed gas. By the time we finally got there it was high noon and pretty hot. Thankfully once we hiked down, it was nice and shady and once we got to the bridge it was extra cool under the stone. The kids really enjoyed the adventure of climbing over rocks to get under the bridge (although it stressed me out some) and once there they loved climbing around and enjoying the views. We could've stayed longer but Tyler suddenly came down with a stomach bug and we had to make a quick retreat to get him to a bathroom. Poor guy had a long drive back to his parent's house and when we got back he spent the rest of the day in his room and the bathroom. That left me alone with his family which is always a bit awkward for me but I survived. 

On Wednesday Tyler's whole family had taken off work so we could all spend the day at Sunsplash together (except Tara's family who was off in CA). Thankfully Tyler was feeling better so he could enjoy it but not thankfully, I had started my period and was feeling miserable. I really hadn't wanted to go and was cranky about it. With my bad attitude I still managed to have some fun with the girls at first- we did some slides and the lazy river...But then Ben started feeling sick and I had to sit with him while he laid down on a bench for about an hour. Sitting with him in that awful heat while he moaned about being sick did not help my attitude. Especially when Tyler's sisters were all their hanging out and ignoring me. I was really getting emotional about it but then he had a miraculous recovery and life was better again. I got away from the sisters and ended up having some fun with Tyler and all the kids at the wave pool. Before leaving the park we got some ice cream and took some silly pictures with a safety dummy so in the end I was feeling much more pleasant.

Thursday we went to the Crayola Experience with some of Tyler's family (Jezerea, Keshia and Mariah). This was my idea and I was really excited about it but it wasn't quite what I expected. I thought you would travel from room to room doing different things but it was more like one giant (and very crowded room). I didn't love it. There was also a lot of waiting in line. They had to wait in line to make a crayon with their name, to get some clay (the machine kept breaking and then this one kid took forever picking out his clay), some melted crayon spinning art, and to melt a crayon into a shape (car or ring). It was a lot of waiting. And Tyler was busy talking with his sisters which left me alone to manage the 4 kids and all the lines. In the end, I think the kids had a lot of fun but during, it felt very stressful to me.  

Penny trying to "catch stuff" with her feet.

The kids watching their crayons melt into a shape.

The melted spin art.

Lucy drawing with sidewalk chalk on my favorite thing, a cactus. She wrote I heart Jenny on it.

Top right was probably the kids favorite activity. They got to design outfits and cars and then watch them on the big screen. It wasn't crowded so they designed lots of outfits and cars.

Thursday night we went back to my parent's house so Tyler could have one last hurrah with my family before he left back to Arizona. Of course he turned a Minecraft movie on his phone while we were there and then all the kids swarmed him. He had to document the swarm.

Friday was a hard day for me because we did nothing. I know the kids needed a break but it was such a long, boring day for me. Literally nothing happened until that evening when some of his sibling came over. And they stayed until super late which was kind of annoying. That the was the hard part of staying at the Hatch home because people would come over and stay super later so my kids wouldn't get into bed until super late.

Saturday morning we got Tyler's birthday gift of a double date with his parents. We went out to breakfast and then went to Top Golf. I have literally never touched a real golf club before so I was quite terrible in the beginning. Lots of wild swings and misses (which of course Tyler videotaped) but in the end I improved getting as many points in 4 rounds that I had gotten in the first 20. At least Tyler's dad wasn't very good either so I wasn't the only crummy player. The whole thing was a lot of fun though and it was nice to have some quality time with Tyler's parents.

After a fun morning, I went out to lunch with Keshia, Melissa and his mom. This was a more awkward outing for me. There was talk of skinny dipping and other such uncomfortable subjects but the food was at least good.

That afternoon/evening Brennen and Bryson had a drum concert that we went to- they get lessons from Mariah's husband, Jeff. It was super loud but good songs and good fun for the kids. The girls especially enjoyed dancing around to the music. Afterwards everyone came to the Hatch home for dinner and playing video games. Once again it was a super late night which I was in no mood for- we were getting Hatch pics done early the next morning. I ended up going to bed before the boys.

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