Saturday, August 31, 2019

School Starts

Sunday was my first time hanging with the Young Women. It just so happened to be a lesson on chastity too- super fun. Actually the YW who gave the lesson did an amazing job and I was really impressed at her teaching skills. Unfortunately I was little less impressed by some of the grown ups comments and contributions to the lesson. I can tell I am going to struggle a little bit with the other leaders. One is a very happy rebel and also seemed to be trying to "be cool." She brought up her steady boyfriend and how the fact that she didn't want to marry him kept her chaste. She also brought up Jello shots. For reals. The other leader kept harping on "purity" but forgot to mention that the atonement can help us to be pure. I felt a little bit like the middle road. We'll see how things go when the new YW's president gets back from her trip. I think she'll be a good mediator too.

Monday was the last day of summer vacation for the oldest 3. In the morning we lent our oven to a friend so she could make cinnamon rolls (she had had a fire in her oven but thankfully had an extinguisher nearby). The perk of lending the oven was that we got some super yummy cinnamon rolls. It also meant that my friend could watch the other kids while I took Steven back to the Middle School for one more practice with his locker. He still had it figured out!

After they were done using our oven we went with them to the park in Milford (Steven got dropped off for an end of summer party with his friend Gavin). It was a perfect day for the park and the kids enjoyed getting outside and playing. We had to cut our fun short though because all the kids had a dentist appointment that afternoon. I picked Steven back up from the party on our way, only to find out that he had stayed inside playing video games while all his other friends were having a Nerf war, so lame. I worry about his need to play video games constantly.

The dentist appointment went amazingly well- no cavities for any of them. Shocking. But it ran kind of late so we had to rush from there to Meet the Teacher at Commerce Elem. I hate how crowded and peopley those things are- parking is always a mess. But the kids teachers all seemed nice enough and I am hoping it'll be a good year for them. Even though Penny will not be going to Commerce, she wanted in on the picture.

Tuesday was the older 3 kid's first day of school (Penny does not start until next week). The morning went nice and smoothly and I think the school day went smoothly for everyone. Steven's only middle school hiccup was that he accidentally threw away his schedule at lunchtime. Thankfully a lunch attendant saw him searching for it and sent him to the office to print off a new one- no big deal. He is still excited about middle school and is really loving his electives- World Language and Band- and I hope that excitement lasts and doesn't fade as soon as he starts getting homework. We also are hoping he can do Cross Country but unfortunately there still is not a coach for it so it might not happen :(

While all the big kids were in school I did a major cleaning of the house and then Penny and I took a bike ride to the park. She does alright on her bike except when she hits the dirt path and then she needs lots of little pushes to keep her going. While at the park we also got to see the new park they have been building next to it. It's an all inclusive playground that is made so that kids with disabilities can enjoy it as well. It looks pretty amazing and we can't wait for it to finally open.

On Wednesday, my friend Corinne took us to Arby's for a lunch date as a late birthday gift. Since we have been doing our Arby's date there has always been this strange, awkward cashier but he was no longer there. And unfortunately this new cashier was having a lot of troubles, it took forever to order. Also some how we ended up with double everything. Extra kids meal and sandwiches- she told us just to keep it all so that was a fun surprise. When Penny and her friend Lucie started getting too wiggly we took them to a park and enjoyed some nice weather and chats. 

Later that afternoon Penny had her Meet the Teacher. She has the same teacher that Lucy had in Jr Kinder so I think she's pretty happy about that. She also discovered Shopkins and Hatchimals in the classroom so she's pretty excited about that as well. I was happy to learn that there will only be 14 kids in Penny's class. That is way smaller than Lucy's class had been and that makes me happier about choosing Jr Kinder. I think it'll be worth the commute just for her to have a smaller class size.

Wednesday night I went to my first YW's activity. The girls went with me and the boys went to Tyler's scout activity. The girls did really well and the activity itself went smoothly. It was a get to know you activity and involved guessing whose baby picture was whose and playing the game "never have I ever." It was nice getting to know some of the girls a little better.

Thursday I had started my period and was feeling kind of miserable and down about it all but we had planned to go to the zoo with a friend so we went. Penny was really griping about walking and I was wishing we hadn't gone but then she decided she wanted to see the butterflies again and suddenly the walking did not bother her so much. She can be so challenging. At one point I accidentally left my phone in a bathroom stall. Thankfully I realized it wasn't in my pocket shortly after I left and thankfully it was still there when I went back.

There was no school on Friday and it was a nice break from what felt like a long week. I had my annual check up at the Doctor's that morning and Steven babysat so I didn't have to bring everyone. My blood work all came out normal and I am no longer pre-diabetic. Maybe it was just that one fruit loop I ate accidentally when I was supposed to be fasting the last time? After I got back from that I watched Caroline's 3 oldest kids because her youngest was getting ear tubes. After lunch we went down to beach and met some friends. It was a nice beach day- a little chilly but always fun to be with friends. Lucy got a hold of my phone at one point and her and little Lucie had some fun taking pictures.

And a couple Penny funnies 
1)When she saw someone smoking she said "They must not love Jesus." I had to do some explaining after that comment.
2) When we were at the beach she needed to pee and someone was already in the porta potty. I partially jokingly said to her to just go in the lake. She responds, "I already did that twice!"

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