Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lost, Flat Tires and Cub Scout Camp

On Sunday I decided we should take Grams out on a walk. It was nice weather and she loves walks so it felt like a good thing to do. We decided to do the little trail by our house (it's just on the other side of Commerce). It was going pretty well until we started walking back. Steven and Penny decided to go down a parallel trail that met back up with ours and should have been fine. The only problem is the rest of us got off on the wrong trail so we did not meet back up with them. It took us awhile to figure out that we had gotten on the wrong trail and then even longer to find Steven and Penny. It really got us all nervous- even Ben got emotional. When we got back on the trail we were supposed to be on, I ended up running down it shouting for Steven. Meanwhile Tyler went the opposite direction, just in case they had gotten worried and started looking for us. I found Steven and Penny at the end of the trail, patiently waiting for us. It was such a relief. Steven was so confused  by all the fuss, he kept telling me "I told you I knew the right way." Well clearly he did but we sure didn't. It was quite the adventure and I would rather not repeat it.

Monday was Grams last day with us and I feel bad because it was not an exciting day for her. While she packed her suitcases, I cleaned house. While she checked in for her flight, I picked up groceries...We did go out for ice cream after dinner though because she knew Poppy would insist if he was here. We all chinked our ice cream cups together for Poppy. He is the King of Ice Cream and all things sweet.

Tuesday Ben had his first day of Cub Scout Day Camp. My friend Caroline was a leader at the camps so she took Ben there and back and I watched her youngest, Elizabeth. This meant that I didn't discover that I had a flat tire until I hopped in the car to take my mom to the airport. I had already loaded up the suitcases and all the kids when I turned on the car and saw that my tire pressure was 1 and when I went out to look, sure enough, completely flat. This was really stressful as I tried to think of who could bail us out quickly. Tyler didn't answer his phone and plus he was kind of far to get us there on time. So next I called friends who lived nearby. I called Corinne and she didn't answer but Melissa did. Melissa was the one who forgot to pick up for the airport when we left to AZ but ironically she was the one to save us from our flat tire problem and get us there. Miraculously we only got to the airport 15 minutes later than my mom had hoped to get there. So thankfully she made her flight, despite the obstacles. 

Wednesday was Day 2 of Cub Scout Camp and babysitting Elizabeth. Day 1 with Elizabeth had been easy because we were driving to the airport and then she took a nap. Day 2 was more of a struggle. In the morning she spent quite a bit of time in our time out chair because she kept hitting my girls. She was super naughty. Then in the afternoon I met up with Stacey and her kids at our beach. We also had Steven's friend Max come to the beach with us. Before Stacey got to the beach Elizabeth was really stressing me out. She would dive head on into the water and then float off farther than I was comfortable with. I was constantly dragging her back. When Stacey finally came her older daughter Marin really helped me out with watching Elizabeth. I was so grateful for that. That meant I got to sit and chat with Stacey. I struggle a bit with Stacey- we are so different and sometimes it's hard to find common ground and sometimes I feel a bit judged by her. But we can end up having some really nice chats too- it's a mixed bag. My other struggle at the beach was Max and Steven. They kept complaining that they were bored and wanted to go back to our house. After their complaints they would always end up finding something fun to do but it was frustrating that they would keep complaining anyways. 

Thursday was the last day of camp and my last day babysitting. I had a dentist appt at noon and I had previously planned on having Steven just watch Elizabeth and the girls but I realized that she was probably more than he could handle. Melissa ended up rescuing me again and I had her watch Elizabeth and my girls while I went to the dentist- Steven came with me. This was my first every dentist appt where I got complimented and told I had good dental hygiene- ususally they tell me I need to floss which annoys me because I do! So I enjoyed the compliments- hopefully they weren't just because she was a newbie and she didn't know any better. Afterwards I ran to Target with Steven and we picked out some middle school supplies- he chose a 5 subject notebook which took me back to my school days. Then I went back to Melissa's and chatted with her for awhile before I headed back home with all the kids.

Here are some pictures from Ben's Cub Scout Camp. His BF friend Andrea is in Scouts so they got lots of bonding time.

That night I was going to go to Enrichment because Caroline really wanted me to but Tyler now has Bishopric meetings on Thursday nights so I couldn't go (since he's the secretary). I don't mind the Sunday meetings but I am not happy about these Thursday night meetings. Now he's going to be gone 2 nights a week as if he's not already busy enough as it is. That's going to make it harder for me to get out during the week or harder if we get the kids involved in any sports. I wish I could be more selfless and feel happy that he is able to serve but I really struggle with that.

Friday morning I took the girls to get haircuts. Lucy likes her hair short because she hates getting it combed. Penny is trying to have Rapunzel hair so she just got a trim.

Then that afternoon I went to Kohl's and tried to pick out some shirts for Steven since he has decided that Minecraft shirts might not be cool enough for Middle School and Minecraft shirts make up 95% of his current wardrobe. However he didn't want to go shopping with me so I was own my own to figure out what might be cool enough. He makes me so crazy.

Friday night we went to the Ormond's backyard for an ice cream and movie party. The kids had a blast and I checked out their beehive even though I am really not a fan of bees. It's cool but I would never want one of my one because, bees. This was the first time we were actually able to stay for the whole movie- my kids are growing up.

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