Saturday, August 10, 2019

Birthday Adventures

Monday started off with boring things such as house cleaning and grocery shopping but that night I had an early birthday celebration with my friends that was a lot of fun. At first I was nervous about it because my friend that was hosting took it upon herself to add a handful of people to the guest list that I wasn't super good friends with and I had really wanted to keep the party small and with close friends- I do better in little groups. But out of those extras only one came and so it turned out fine in the end. The friends that came were: Chalsea, Corinne, Caroline, Melissa, Bethany and Amy D. There was so much good food- stawberry shortcake, mini bundt cakes from my fav place, a banana cream pie... And we ended up staying up until 12:30am finishing a puzzle. We all got a little loopy as it got later and I laughed so hard that I was in tears several times. It was honestly my best birthday bash with friends in a long time. 

Tuesday was a rainy day which spoiled our plans a little. Grams had orange cranberry muffins to pick up from the Milford Bakery at 3pm so we had thought we could go to Kensington early afternoon and hike around there until it was time to get the muffins but with the rain, a hike was not going to work. Instead we decided to go to the indoor playground, The Commons, since the Bakery was also on the way home from that. The kids were happy with the change of plans and had a lot of fun until the end. They enjoyed going up and down the big slide over and over and they also enjoyed the soccer field. I personally didn't enjoy the soccer field too much but that was because Ben wanted me to kick a ball to him and Penny wanted me to throw a ball to her and it was quite challenging to do both things at the same time. Near the end the kids all got "bored" (their favorite word) and wanted to go home but we still had another half hour before we could get the muffins so I started making them run laps around the field. Sort of helped with the boredom and really tuckered them out.

When it was finally time to pick up the muffins we headed out. Grams spoiled them all by buying them each a cookie at the Bakery since they aren't fans of the muffins. Ben and Steven got shark ones, Lucy got an emoji with heart eyes and Penny got a butterfly. We did our best to find a dry bench and enjoyed them outside, we only got a bit sprinkled on by the rain. The kids also insisted on taking money out of the nearby water fountain and throwing it back in- they are pretty embarrassing.

Wednesday the rain had gone away and since Grams really wanted to go for a walk at Kensignton, we obliged. It really was a beautiful day for a walk and apparently the Sandhill Cranes there felt the same way. We had one that insisted on following us for a bit and Lucy did not appreciate it, it really freaked her out. I finally gave it a talking to and told it that it needed to stay by a bench and take a break and it surprisingly stopped following us. Was it a funny coincidence or did it actually understand me...??

On the walk my kids were destructive and snapped off their own "corn dogs" (also known as cattails). They are super obsessed with them. The girls also collected some acorns and left them on a tree stump for the chipmunks to get.

Thursday was my birthday and since I typically get moody and depressed on my birthday I decided that Grams and I needed to go on a little get away to distract me. Steven and Ben gave me a lot of grief about going because they are always so worried about missing their screen time. It was really frustrating and upsetting but eventually we got out the door. Ben's attitude improved as we hit all our adventures but Steven still did a lot of grumbling.

Our first stop was in Cass City, Michigan at the Sanilac Petroglyphs. It was in the middle of nowhere but it ended up being a really interesting stop- we learned about the meaning of 3 of the glyphs. There was the underwater panther (who makes rain), the thunder bird (who obviously makes thunder and is apparently the panther's rival) and then we learned about the man with the arrow that shoots knowledge. Afterwards we took a very short walk around the park- it was super green and leafy and pretty- and super buggy! The bug spray kept us from getting eaten alive thankfully and we ended up seeing a really neat tree that was apparently super old.

After the petroglyphs we went to see the Port Sanilac lighthouse. This one is privately owned and is literally my dream house. I am jealous of the owner although I wonder how much they love random people like me taking pictures of their home.

After taking my pics of the lighthouse we tried to figure out lunch. I had packed food for myself and the kids but Grams had planned on buying food and there was nothing around. We ended up seeing a sub shop and quickly pulling in so she could get something. She was gone in there a long while ordering so I pulled out our food and we all ate in the car while we waited. 

After we all had our lunch we went to Lexington State Harbor and the kids got some beach time. Ben enjoyed making a sand castle, Lucy loved scaring me by venturing far in the deep water, Penny was my rock collector and Steven just kind of chilled in the water. I love the beach and was happy to just sit and watch all my crazy kids have a good time. Grams, on the other hand, is not a fan of sitting in the sun so she was in the car for a bit and then she sat in a nearby park in the shade.

Our last stop was the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse. I think that was the first ever lighthouse that we saw and the one that started my addiction. We took the tour so we could go up in it- Grams was not impressed by the tour but I thought we learned a few cool things. Penny, Lucy and Ben had no problems climbing to the top but Steven did not make it. His fear of heights has really grown and he got so close to the top but then really freaked out and ended up going back down with Grams. I sort of wish I had too. We went to the top which was fun for a minute or two but we were the first ones out so we had to wait for everyone else to get up there and have their moment. After awhile standing up there got real nerve racking- especially when Benny and Penny decided to push each other. I thought we were all going to die.

After the lighthouse we went back home and Tyler had picked up some dinner from Tropical Smoothie Cafe for the grownups and he made hot dog mac for the kids. Then I had a delicious strawberry covered birthday cake and opened gifts. I got 2 Home Depot gift cards from my parents (I've got so many home projects on my list) and a set of pots from Tyler. It was a real nice 34th birthday.  

Friday we went to Milford Memories. We got there early so parking wasn't too awful and played at the playground until all the booths opened. Then we walked down the street, checking out all the things. Our friends that live in an apt above the shops saw us out the window and came and joined us. We had a funny moment when we saw their youngest in just a diaper dancing in the window. We also had a funny moment when there was some awkward art (of a butt) and Ben declared he wanted that for our bathroom. That kid. After we finished seeing all the fun things for sale, we went to the Kids Tent so all the kids could do some crafts and games. Then I picked up some pretzels and we went back to the playground where they played for a long time. I saw  several people at Milford Memories, Ben's kindergarten teacher (Mrs. Hess) I saw my neighbor from Milford (Sarah) and we also saw Steven's friends (Max and Gavin). Steven ended up going off with his friends so that was fun for him. Overall it was a really good time and I even turned in to my dad and start chatting with the strangers that now live in Stefanie's old house. Gosh I miss Milford!

Saturday my mom and I went out for breakfast and I had some amazing crepes, that were basically dessert. Then we did some shopping and now we are just recuperating from a long and really fun week. 

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