Saturday, June 29, 2019

Summer Camp and the Zoo

This week a kind person in our Ward offered to allow our kids to attend a Summer Camp at Defy FOR FREE. Apparently they didn't get enough kids enrolled in the camp so they wanted to amp up the numbers. After a hard week last week, this was such a blessing. All my kids were able to attend and they went to it from 8am to 1pm Monday through Thursday. They had a lot of fun- they obviously jumped (because Defy is an indoor trampoline park), they made slime, played Ninja Warrior, (Steven won first place!), played Duck Duck Splash, colored with sidewalk chalk, made "lava lamps"...and had a pizza party on the last day. Penny wormed her way into everyone's heart and made so many friends. It makes me hopeful that she will do just as great when she starts school. Here's a pic with my kids and some other friends from church that had been invited to the camp this week.

While they were in camp I got to find out what it's going to be like for me when they're all in school. The time went much quicker than anticipated but I was productive and still able to take time for myself. I cleaned and went through the kids rooms. I went running did workouts and took my time getting ready for the day. I ran errands kid free and got things packed and ready for the trip. And on Wednesday and Thursday I went kayaking in our neighborhood lake. That was real enjoyable Wednesday  but Thursday was rough. It was warmer and I had done an ab workout before going and I pretty much paddled myself far away and then wasn't sure if I had the energy to come back. I was tempted to drift into someone's yard and ask them to drive me back home, ha ha!

Besides the Summer Camp, we went to our neighborhood beach with all our friends Tuesday afternoon, it was real great weather and the kids stayed entertained for hours so it was a great. Then on Wednesday we went to Laci's house for one last hurrah- she's moving to Nashville while I am in Arizona. If this move had happened a year ago I would have been devastated but with all the drama and things that have come since I am feeling ok with it all. We were so close and shared many memories together but the friendship was mostly me sided for a long time and there was more drama than I should be having at this age... She got teary eyed when we hugged goodbye and it was nice to feel like she did value our friendship in the end and for me it just feels like I finally have some closure on it all.

Tuesday and Thursday night were goodbye get togethers for my friend from Bunco, Cindy. Tuesday night us Bunco girls (and a few extras) went out to a final dinner out and Thursday night was a Ward gathering at the church building. She leaves today, Saturday. I am really sorry to say goodbye to her, she has been such a fun friend in Bunco and I am going to miss her friendship. She was very sweet and told me as I hugged her goodbye that she hoped I realized what an amazing person I am. That's just the kind of person she is that she would leave me with such kind words.

We took this fun family picture at Cindy's party for her goodbye book. The boys smiled better than they usually do for me.

Friday temps were in the high 80's and so was the humidity, it was yucky. But we had planned a final zoo day (before we leave to az) with friends so we went. Despite the heat (and whining) the kids had a good time. We saw baby Jane (the chimpanzee) and the polar bear pacing and swimming and the penguins. And then the kids spent a lot of time at the splash pad. 

And some fun pictures....

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