On Monday I did my usual productiveness and then tried to be the fun mom for Penny- I really wanted to enjoy the last few days of just her and me. We made some play-dough and then I filled up a plastic container with baking soda and she dropped vinegar in it with pipettes. Penny spent at least an hour making the baking soda fizz and I was happy with how much it entertained her.
Monday night I went on a walk in Milford with my friend Stefanie. It made me sentimental for Milford something fierce. It will always hold a place in my heart. We walked by our home that we had rented there and they had put in new windows and were redoing the porch. They had also taken down a tree that was between our house and Stefanie's old house. It's weird to see changes to a place that was a part of my life for so long.
Tuesday morning was Steven's 5th Grade Ceremony. I was super stressed for it because things with lots of people always give me anxiety but at least finding a parking spot and place to sit inside went smoothly. However, I chose poorly on where we sat. Penny and I were sandwiched in between many people and she ended up on my lap. It was a bit claustrophobic and it didn't help that the ceremony was soooo long. There were at least 6 student speakers (I promise I am not exaggerating) and then they proceeded to call every single 5th grader and have them go shake their principal and teachers hand and pause for a photo op- and with 4 classes of at least 30 kids that was a lot of fifth graders. It took forever and Penny and I were both super antsy. After that they sang 3 songs and Steven "rapped" a solo in one of them. It was only like 7 words but I was proud of him for his bravery. He said he will never do it again so apparently he got my genetics. Afterwards they threw a party for the fifth graders- bounce house, rock climbing, dunk tank, photo booth....It's all a little much in my opinion but I'm glad he enjoyed it. I don't think either one of us were very emotional about it all though, we just don't have the attachment to this school since we've only been here one year. I might feel differently if we're still here when Penny or Lucy hit 5th grade though.

After the ceremony Penny and I went to the zoo (to continue my mission of enjoying our last days together). She wanted to see the penguins and the butterflies and after that I let her play at the splash pad. I always forget they have one so I had no swimsuit for her, she just played in her dress and got sopping wet. I literally had to wring it out so she could make it back to the car without too much complaining.
Tuesday night I went to the temple with my friend Melissa. It was a really refreshing night. I've been having a lot of unwarranted anxiety lately and finally, in the temple, I felt at peace. I have also felt disappointed with not being pregnant and while praying about it in the temple I had the thought that maybe it's not about timing for me but the timing for the baby and when he needs to be here. A frequent thought was patience. And when I turned to the scriptures in the Celestial Room I turned to my favorite Heleman 5:12. I just need to keep trusting in Christ. After the session Melissa and I got some ice cream and sat in the car chatting forever. She is a no drama friend who I really enjoy spending time with.
Wednesday Penny and I went to the farm in Kensington. Though I didn't take a picture of it, we got to see a calf that had just been born that morning. They put in a special room by the walking path and it's sister was sad she couldn't see it. She was mooing super loudly and kept craning her head around the wall to try to see it. Reminds of me of when I had to keep Steven away from baby Ben because he would love him too hard, ha ha. After we saw the animals we walked down to the lake and threw some rocks in it. On our way back out we stopped to see the calf again and this time the mom was licking the calves bum. This was gross enough in itself but when the calf started going number two and the mama cow just kept licking I figured this was a good time to peace out.
Since we were in Milford we picked up Tyler and went out to lunch with him. It's always nice to go out to lunch with 3 less kids but next year Tyler and I might actually get to do dates while the kids are all at school. Life is changing so much.
Thursday was the last day of school so we took our traditional last day of school photos with the fancy signs I made. The kids actually did a nice job cooperating (even though it was wet and dreary outside) so they turned out quite good.
I spent the morning babysitting for a friend so I was a terrible mom and didn't go to the "clap out" (where everyone lines up at the front of the school and claps when the fifth graders come out) but I did clap for Steven when he came out of the bus so there's that. The weather was so crappy- 50 degrees and raining- so I decided to let the kids enjoy their freedom by rotting their brains. They got A LOT of screen time Thursday BUT they did take a break half way through and the boys got their turn with the baking soda and vinegar.
Meanwhile the girls were traipsing about the house in their swimsuits wishing for better weather and Lucy was playing with my phone taking thousands of pictures, including this gem.
Friday was chaos in the Hatch home. I had a new family over that morning (Dolly and her 2 kids) and we had the Mays over. This meant a total of 10 kids in my house. It was good chaos though. For the most part everyone was playing nicely and having fun and I got to socialize. At 1pm we all headed over to my neighborhood beach for the End of the School Year Party. It had a bounce house and food and of course, the beach. Even though it was only like 70 that day and the water was still freezing the kids all got in. They're crazy. Dolly and the Mays stayed for a couple hours but I ended up staying for 4 hours and spending a majority of my time with my friend Stacie. We had some good talks (we even talked about the Word of Wisdom) and it made me even more sad that she's moving out of the neighborhood. I just don't click with the other ladies.
Saturday was busy. In the morning I went for a run and then picked up a bike for Penny (found it on FB marketplace). I didn't get a picture yet but it has a seat for dolls on it which was definitely it's selling feature. Now she actually has a bike with training wheels instead of just a trike. After that I dropped off some signs I made for a friend's son's graduation party and ran some errands. Then 3 out of my 4 kids went to the library's Summer Reading Program Kick Off- apparently Steven has reached the age where he is too cool for these things. The kids got to feed animals, ride horses and get their face/arms painted. It was a good time. Penny loved riding the horse but was not thrilled about feeding the pony and even posing by it. Her horse/pony obsession is quite interesting. It is like she loves them and is terrified of them all at the same time.
After the library celebration we went to clean the church and then we took Tyler to Chili's since it's Father's Day weekend and he loves that place the best. The kids were a bit crazy though (with Steven declaring loudly that he farted) so instead of taking them all to a graduation party as previously planned we sent Tyler there on his own and I dealt with the monkeys. I swear they used to be better behaved and somehow these long days where the sun comes up early and stays up until late are making them CrAzY
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