Saturday, June 1, 2019

Nature Walk, Eastern Market

Besides feeling oddly exhausted, this week was really a good one. Monday was Memorial Day and it ended up being a really nice day. We took the kids out to Proud Lake for a little nature walk in the morning. It was one of those days that wasn't cold but wasn't hot- just perfect. Part of the trail was muddy and partially flooded so we got to see quite a few frogs hopping about. But at one point it got too flooded so we had to abort and try another way- even though the boys had already attempted to walk through the flood and destroyed their shoes. Despite muddy shoes it was a real good time, I love being out in the sunshine and beauty.

After our walk we went to Culver's for lunch. The kids all got ice cream with their kid's meals so their life was complete. Then we came home and had a real lazy afternoon that involved naps and TV. When all laziness was done we went to a bbq at the Bloomfield's house. It was a good mix of people and so it was a real good time. The food was all good, the company was good and Melissa even braided my hair so I felt real fancy. 

Tuesday it was back to reality. I volunteered in the kid's classrooms which was super unexciting- I had to give a math assessment to Lucy's class and help Ben's class with editing their poems. Then I got groceries, cleaned the house and took Ben to the orthodontist so they could put in the rubber band that had fallen out (it was around a tooth in preparation for his expander). That night we all went and saw the movie "Aladdin." I love movie dates with my family. The movie itself was fun and entertaining enough. It stayed pretty close to the original, they mostly just added in some girl power with Jasmine singing songs about not being speechless and becoming the Sultan in the end (as if that could ever happen in that culture). The songs were fun and Will Smith rapping took me back to days of "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"

Wednesday I babysat for 3 kids. It meant that I didn't really get a break when Penny was in speech class but it also meant that Penny had lots of friends to play with when we got home. I got a lot of things done that afternoon so that was nice. Then that night Tyler had his Scouts over for a movie night. They chose "Kung Fu Panda" and the girls were pretty cranky with me when I made them go to bed before it ended. Life is hard.

Thursday morning Ben got his expander on. It was not nearly as traumatic as with Steven. Ben still struggled with eating at first- we tried oatmeal, spaghetti o's unsuccessfully but he didn't cry about it like Steven had. Mostly he just complained about being hungry and by Friday evening he was eating like normal again. WAY better experience than with Steven.

Thursday afternoon I subbed at the boy's old school and after the teacher gave me the spiel on what to do she asked me if I was doing ok- several times. I was doing just dandy but finally I just said I was tired. I wondered if I looked tired or sad or something so I took a selfie- I didn't think I looked that tired...

Friday we met some friends at the zoo. We got stuck in AWFUL traffic on the off ramp to the zoo. Apparently everyone was going to the zoo that day, it was the worst I'd ever seen. It was not a great beginning and honestly it wasn't my most favoritest outing. There were 2 super chatty ladies there and I tend to get lost when people dominate the conversation. Penny had a real good time with her friends though and that's what's most important. They spent more time playing there than actually seeing animals. I'm glad she has such good church friends. Next year they are all starting kinder though and it's going to be sad that they won't get to hang out as much.

Friday night we had a second attempt at a sleepover for Ben and Jacob but this time it was at our house. I am not good with older kids who just want to play video games. I managed to distract them with a fun water gun fight outside for awhile. Then when they got bored I suggested we go to the park and they did not enjoy that. They had moments of fun but at one point Jacob got his phone and they were playing games. Ugh. When we got home I finally succumbed and let them have screen time pretty much for the rest of the night. I had rented the new "How to Train your Dragon" movie and bought ice cream but they wanted to play Terraria instead and apparently Jacob hates ice cream. Double ugh. Tyler was off at an Eagle Scout Court of Honor so needless to say I was pretty aggravated with the boys by the time he got home. Thankfully they went to sleep pretty 10:30 at night....

This morning, Saturday, I dropped Steven off at the school so he could go to Michigan Adventure with Choir. He doesn't get home until tonight and I am interested to see how he did- I am hoping he got brave and tried some roller coasters. After I dropped him off I went for a run and then after Jacob went back to his house we took the our younger 3 kids out to the Eastern market in Detroit. We got some amazing Kettle corn and some cookies for Ben since he can't eat popcorn. We also got a bell pepper starter plant and some super yummy strawberries. There were many pretty plants and succulents I wanted to buy but I refrained myself. It was very hard to find a parking spot and very crowded and very peopley but I still enjoyed seeing all the different things and being with MY people.

After seeing all the vendors we took some pictures with the fun graffiti walls nearby and of course a picture with the no P's allowed sign because we always have to tease Penny about that.

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