Friday, June 7, 2019

Health Class and Farm Show

On Monday Steven said he wasn't feeling well and so I told him he could stay home from school but he would have to stay in his room the whole time, it would not be a fun day off. He agreed to those terms. At the bus stop I learned it was the first day of their Health Class and since we had signed him out of this class, I thought that might be contributing to his "sickness." When I asked him about it he said that was only a tiny bit of why he wanted to stay home from school, mostly he felt sick. He never threw up or had diarrhea so I have my doubts but I let it fly since the year is almost done. We talked about missing the health class and how this wasn't going to be the first time he was going to be different than others. It was a good talk. We also had our own super fun (in other words, awkward) health class that night around the table. I was doubting myself in signing him out of the class but honestly now, I have no regrets. All the other parents were talking about how their kids weren't asking them any questions about it and they were glad that they didn't have to talk to their kids about it. Well call me crazy but I am glad that Steven got the information about puberty and sex from us and not a movie. I hope that it opens the communication so he feels like he can talk to us about all these things in the future.

On Tuesday I did my last day of volunteering. It was kind of a fun coincidence that in Lucy's class they pasted things on a farm according to their prepositions (above, below, etc.) and then in Ben's class they were writing preposition poems. I am now an expert on prepositions, ha ha. After that I had an Arby's date with my friend Corrine and her daughter. Then we went to a park afterwards. I really love spending time with Corrine but now Penny is having a hard time with her daughter. We ended up going after a bit because Penny said she just wanted to play by herself and her daughter was not happy about that. I am kind of relieved that Penny will be in school next year so this won't be a problem.

Wednesday Penny had her last speech class which was sad for her, she's really loved it. Then we babysat for Elizabeth the rest of the day. She is almost 2 and a bit of a handful. I attempted to take her to the library with us and she was grabbing toys from everyone and getting into all sorts of mischief. Toddlers are lots of work. I have been super spoiled with Penny for quite some time now. Although she's not perfect. Wednesday night Ben had his Raingutter Regatta (they make boats out of recyclable items and attempt to sail them in a raingutter- his was not so successful). As we were leaving this Penny wanted her water bottle back. Problem was that I had drank it all because of a tickle in my throat but I told her we had some water bottles in the car. She was super upset because those were normal sized and she wanted a mini one like what she had. She screamed and cried all the way to the car and much of the way home. Apparently normal sized ones are just not the same.

Thursday my friend Chalsea came over and hung out with us. Mostly we get along really well and she's easy to talk to but then we got on the topic of abortion and I found out she doesn't think abortion should be outlawed until after the first trimester because she thinks then people will get abortions done unsafely. Ugh. This upset me so I couldn't think clearly and didn't do a proper rebuttal and I am mad at myself for that. But I couldn't believe a member of the church could support abortion at all. This is a real hard world we are in and I worry for my kids. Sometimes I wish I could just bubble wrap them and keep them home forever.

Thursday afternoon Lucy had her farm show. It was ridiculously cute. They did a paper plate dance to the song "Barn Yard Boogie" and there was some cute "bawking" during that song. They sang several other songs and it was fun to see her singing and so animated. Afterwards we went to her classroom where she read to us a fun farm book she had made. In it she wrote how farms smell like "poop and flowers." She also wrote how pigs eat "caris and penis." I figured out the first word was meant to say carrots but I am still trying to figure out what she meant for that second word.

Friday Ben woke up with diarrhea. I do not know why my kids are getting sick all the time. He was real bummed because it was Field day at school but he spent his day puzzle making and even finished an entire one all by himself. He's definitely a kid after my own heart.

Saturday the weather was great so the boys and I went on a bike ride to the library. It amazes me that even after I've been running and doing various workouts, I still found it exhausting. I wonder sometimes if I'll ever feel like I'm "in shape."

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