Saturday, June 22, 2019

Father's Day, Camp Half Blood, Sleepover

Sunday was Father's Day and I spoiled Tyler by letting him sleep in forever. When he finally woke up he opened his gifts- a cotton candy machine, cotton candy sugars, a Zelda shirt, mushy notes from the kids and the girls even made him a play dough cake ;). After opening gifts he made himself an omelette- I am not an expert omelette maker so I bought him the ingredients, chopped the veggies and then let him take over. I think church was a little disappointing for the father's in the ward- they did get sung to by the primary kids and they did get a special treat but no special lessons or social hours like us women. Tyler still had to teach Gospel Doctrine, poor guy.

After church I made Tyler mashed potatoes and rolls and heated up some salsibury steak and then we all got to enjoy the fruits of his cotton candy machine. It is super yummy stuff.

On Monday Steven went over to Max's house and I picked up Andrea and Peter to play at our house. It was a lot of kids at our house but I still managed to get it clean.

On Tuesday we went to "Camp Half Blood" at the library. It was themed around the Percy Jackson books. It's been over a year since we read the books so we weren't so good on the trivia and such things but the kids enjoyed shooting arrows at Medusa, writing their name in Greek, finding what God or Goddess was their parent, making a shield and other misc activities. 

I probably should say most of the kids enjoyed it...Steven has been in a very complaining mood since summer began and after about 15 minutes he was bored and wanted to go. That attitude of his was pretty present all week and needless to say, I am over it.

After the library program Tyler came home and watched the girls so I could take the boys to go see "Detective Pikachu." They had filled up their jewel jars and I had promised to take them to see it as their reward. They seemed to enjoy seeing all the Pokemon characters "come to life" so that was good. The only annoying thing was that Ben had to pee at a critical moment in the movie so I missed an important part of the plot line *sigh* 

On Wednesday we went swimming at my friend Bethany's pool. The water was too cold for me but my kiddos enjoyed it for a couple of hours before they started shivering too much and wanting to leave. Also at one point Steven tripped Ben while Ben was eating crackers and he gagged on the crackers and almost puked. And then there was Penny who had gotten a bloody nose earlier that kept coming back at the pool. So I was pretty much the crazy mom with crazy kids but that seems to be my jam this summer.

Thursday I reached my height of annoyance with Steven laying on the couch and bugging everyone within poking distance so I attempted to be a fun mom and I helped him do a couple science experiments... baking soda and vinegar in a baggie and cornstarch with water goop. Meanwhile the girls painted with a couple friends that were over and all that led to lots of messes. It didn't get any better later in the day because at dinnertime our neighbor friends, Jenna and Evan, came over for a sleepover. After dinner they all sketched out and then painted a canvas (while eating cotton candy). This meant more messes but they all had a lot of fun and didn't even ask for screen time until later in the evening so that was a bonus. 

(Evan made Elvis, Steven the lighthouse, Lucy the catfish, Penny the abstract art on a blue canvas, Jenna's on the pink canvas and Ben the shark.)

When the painting ended the girls watched "Moana" and the boys played "Lego Batman 2" on the XBox. And even though it was past bedtime after "Moana" ended they all stayed up even later. The girls giggling in the guest bedroom and the boys watching "Dude Perfect" on Youtube. Poor Ben inherited my issues with noises when trying to sleep and was really frustrated that he couldn't sleep because the girls were too loud. And then when they quieted down, he couldn't sleep because Penny (who was sleeping over in his room) was breathing too loud. It was a rough night for that kid.

Friday morning the girls woke up much too early but thankfully the rest of the gang didn't. When everyone was awake the kids all enjoyed pancakes with whip cream, had some more TV time, finished their paintings,played some card games, experimented with baking soda and vinegar and then at lunchtime their mom was there to pick them up. 

I have to say all things considered I enjoyed this sleepover much more than the last one. It just wiped me out is all. About an hour after their mom picked them up we all got together again but this time at our neighborhood beach. This was nice because I got to sit and chat with their mom and everyone played nicely. They even buried Lucy who was super surprised that being buried in sand left her with sand in lots of weird places.

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