Monday, June 4, 2018

Legoland Day 1

Our first day at Legoland started with the free breakfast buffet. I got most of the food from the kid's station- what does that say about me? I also got this orange mango smoothie which was absolutely delicious and I am missing it already.

At 9 we headed to the park for early entry. That meant we didn't have to wait too long to ride the Coastersaurus. Grams and I went with Oliver and Lucy. We really had to convince Oliver to go and I regret doing that. He looked very pale during the ride and was quick to say he did not want to go again. Lucy, who had wanted to go, seemed freaked out by the first fast turn but then seemed to enjoy it a little more the second time it ran the course (it was a short ride so you go around twice). She claimed that she liked that ride but I am not convinced.

The second ride was the Safari Trek. Grams and Poppy took the kids. This was a nice calm one so a good one to go on after the roller coaster. Then we rode the carousel where Lucy was very disappointed that she picked out one of the few horses that did not go up and down. At least it was pretty... 

After the carousel the kids played at the Duplo Playtown and then Grams and Poppy got to ride on the helicopters with the kids. This one was a hit for both kidlings. They apparently have no fear of heights as they both had the helicopters going up and down. Poppy on the other hand did not enjoy that ride. He decided it went much too high.

Our next adventure was driving school where the kids got to drive (and crash) cars all by themselves. It was pretty entertaining to watch Lucy bumping into the curbs and Oliver getting stuck in a 4 car pileup. When they finished the workers passed out driver's licences to all of the kids. Lucy then informed me that she can now help drive our car. 

When we finished driving we ran into our first Lego character- the hot dog guy. That was a pretty fun find and was the only one Oliver wanted to take a picture with. 

It was now time for lunch- at least I was starving and the kids were complaining that they were hungry. Yet as soon as we got hot dogs, neither one of them really wanted to eat their hot dogs. Lucy rebelled against eating them by putting a bag on her head. I finally got her to eat a few bites of her $8 hot dog and then we headed out for more fun.

Our next ride was Skipper School. Poppy and I went with the kids and he got me all worried that I was going to get stuck because the boats are hard to steer. Thankfully that didn't happen. However, they really were hard to steer and Lucy kept bumping into the edges and getting frustrated. She eventually gave up and gave the reigns over to me. She did not like this ride one bit but Oliver did.

Oliver's favorite ride was the Splash Battle. Grams and I were not willing to get wet so Poppy took that bullet. They really did get wet and I was really grateful I didn't have to go on that ride. It was too cool to be wet. 

While Oliver and Poppy went on the ride a second time I went and got some treats. Lucy was having a hard time waiting in all the lines and was getting pretty whiny so I hoped to distract her with some treats (yes I basically rewarded her for being naughty). I manged to find her a GIANT rice crispy treat and Grams and I got some amazing Churros with chocolate dip. My dad complained that they were completely unauthentic but I could not care less- they were so delicious! 

Afterwards we parted ways with Oliver and Poppy because Lucy wanted to play at the Hideaways Playground and Oliver did not. When she was done there we headed to the castle where Lucy got to be a knight and ride on the Royal Joust. This was one of her favorite rides. She said she liked it so much because there was a funny Lego elf that she would hit with her jousting stick and it would say "oh no! not again!" 

Taking a break from lines we went down the Block of Fame and took some pictures with Beethoven and the Queen. Then we saw Miniland USA which had some pretty amazing creations to check out. It also had a fun station off to the side where you could make boats to race. Lucy was all about the pretty factor and not so much the functional factor.

We met back up with Poppy and Oliver at Miniland USA and then we all went on the Coast Cruise. This was one of my favorites. it was a nice relaxing boat ride where you got to see some cool creations and listen to a punny tour guide. 

After meeting Nya we went on our last ride of the day, Lego Ninjago the Ride. I think that was Grams favorite ride. Lucy really loved it too. It was a 3D ride where you punch the air with your hands to attack bad guys. Pretty cool technology.

After that ride Oliver went into a room where you make cars and race them. Lucy  was not interested so instead we found Unikitty to pose with and Kai and an old school space guy. She saw Kai before he got to his spot for pictures so she followed him- she was super excited.

By this point I think we were all tired. We made a last stop at the souvenir shop where Lucy picked out a Legoland teddy bear for Grams and Poppy to get her. I got some Lego guys for Penny, Steven and Ben. Then Grams and I got pizza and we all headed back to the hotel where we collapsed and rotted our brains with TV. The kids got another rush of energy as bed time approached so I took them to the Unkitty dance party. This was basically a dance floor with 2 costumed guys playing music and dancing along. The kids had fun busting out their moves. I had fun being a wall flower.

The dancing did the trick and the kids slept like rocks that night (as did the grown ups).

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