Monday, June 4, 2018

Arizona Visiting

Thankfully Lucy woke up Thursday fully recovered from all her tummy problems. This meant that the drive back to Arizona went smoothly- well besides my achy legs from driving. I am such a wimpy driver and had to split the drive with my mom and dad. 

Friday Grams and I woke up super early and did a initiatory session at the Gilbert Temple. This was nice and meant that I am sticking by my goal to go every month- even if it was technically the first day of June I'm gonna count it as May. After the temple we ran a lot of errands- I returned the bad battery life tablet, I picked up some new shoes for Lucy (because her sandals had broken), I went with my mom to get some clothes for the kids at Kohl's, got a new undershirt at Down East Basics and got a new temple dress and some Garments at Desert Bookstore. All those errands left me starving so I was rewarded with a yummy lunch at Costa Vida. Man I wish Michigan would get a Costa Vida!

That afternoon Rebecca and her kids came over and Mike came over when he got off from work. It was good to visit, catch up and try to convince their girls that they remember me and like me. I think they warmed up to me in the end.

That evening I went to the Hatch home for Ryan's second birthday. I was doing good in the beginning- I got to hold Tyler's two new nephews (Owen and Knox) which was super nice. I love my baby snuggles. I also got to catch up a little with everyone. But then Tara and her three youngest came and I struggled. I feel like when she comes the conversation kind of revolves around her and she makes it easy to feel out of place. She also kept talking about Navi's party the next day which I had not been told about or invited too- I know I probably couldn't have come but it was the principle of the matter.  Anyways, it was awkward and I skipped out early. I am sure they all talked about me when I left but oh well. Such is life of an awkward in law. I feel like I will never quite fit in with his family. It's probably a lot of my own fault but still, it's hard.

Saturday was all about the secret preparations for my dad's surprise 70th birthday. I thought Lucy had blown the surprise when she told me Poppy knew about his birthday- if she did blow it, he did a good job faking surprise- but I think she just meant that he knew he was literally having a birthday. All that we had told him was that Mike's family was coming over for a  BBQ after I took him to a movie that afternoon. I knew I had to get him out of the house during the day so my mom could prepare some for the party and since I needed a book for the flight I had a perfect reason. We went to Half Price Books where I got not just 1 but 3 books. I was going to decide between the 3 but my dad insisted on buying all of them so now I have lots of reading to do!

After Half Price Books, we strolled through the aisles of Best Buy and then got some lunch at Freddy's. At Freddy's my dad made some comments about how we wouldn't be around for his birthday so I did a good job saying that we would try to make it up to him when he came to visit me in August- little did he know we were making it up that night. 

Next we both came back home and took naps- I was so pooped from this week! Soon it was time to take him to the movie "Adrift." This was a very exciting movie, made more exciting by my nerves of if the party was all coming together. I was hopeful everyone was making it and socializing ok while they waited for him. When the movie went a little later than I expected I got nervous everyone would be sitting in awkward silence. According to my mom I was very wrong- everyone was socializing thank heavens. I apparently just like to worry over silly things.

As we pulled in the driveway I sent Mecca and Mike a text and everyone got ready. Dad got a real good surprise when he walked in the door. He said it took him a moment to realize what they were surprising him for since his birthday was not for another month but then he saw the banners. We are such good surprisers ;)

Anyways the party went well. We did a questionnaire about him, and then got to have him go over the answers which was fun. After that we ate and then we did a Price is Right game using prices from 1948. I was glad some people participated and had fun with it. Last there was cake and ice cream. Mecca had made the cake using my Grandma Brady's recipe and it was amazing! All in all I think the party was success and I am also equally relieved it is over. Keeping things a surprise is tricky!

The next day Lucy and I flew back home. The plane had some light/electrical issues before taking off and it also had a backed up runway but somehow we still made it home without being super late. And while it is good to be with my hubby and kids again, a part of me is really missing vacation life- no dishes, no cooking, no laundry, no cleaning, no dealing with awful construction that is ruining school pick ups and drop offs....Real life is tough ;)

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