Monday, June 4, 2018

Legoland Day 2

Our second day at Legoland went a lot like the first. We had our yummy breakfast, got to the park early,and then Lucy rode on the Coastersaurus while Oliver rode on the Safari Trek. Lucy had requested to ride it again but afterwards she said she was done with it. I really don't think she liked it. I think she just wanted too because it would make her dad proud. He's always telling her she'll be his roller coaster buddy. 

Oliver got lucky on the Safari Trek. It broke down right as they reached the end so he was one of the last kids to ride it. After we got done there the kids rode the Legoland Express and then played on the Duplo Playground until the rest of the park opened up.

Lucy had wanted to get her face painted the first day we were there but she had asked to get it done in the afternoon. I had told her to wait and we would do it in the morning the next day so she could have it all day. Well unfortunately, the "Paint face" places did not open up when the whole park opened up. This made her very frustrated because she wanted it done asap. Thankfully I was able to distract her some. There was no line so we jumped onto the helicopter ride. This time I got to ride with her!

Then we traded our old Lego minifigures with a worker for a Barbara Gordon Lego minifigure. After trading Lucy went on the Royal Joust again and then we found some rides in adventure land that we had missed out on the day before. The Beetle Bounce ended up being Lucy's absolute favorite and she went on it at least 6 times by the end of the day. We also went on an airplane ride that I thought was kind of fun. By the time we finished those rides the "paint face" place finally opened and Lucy was able to get her purple flower. I never do that sort of stuff but I worked hard the week before this trip and figured it was worth spending some subbing money to make her day. She really loved it.

After that we met back up with Poppy, Grams and Oliver and went on the Pharaoh's Revenge Ride. That one involved shooting things with a laser gun. Poppy had really wanted to go on that and I am glad we waited in the long line for it, it was a lot of fun.

After that we went back to the hotel to eat- we met Emmett on the way and I was able to trade another old Minifigure for an awesome Unikitty girl. I am glad we did- Lucy ended up having a blow out after we ate. Maybe it was a bug, maybe it was too much juice and junk but whatever it was, it was a disgusting mess and would not have been fun to handle outside of the hotel. After disposing of her underwear, I had her take a bath and then we all watched a show. When the show ended everyone seemed a rejuvenated so we headed to the Sea Life Aquarium in the park.

The Sea Life Aquarium had some neat fish and some cool lego sculptures mixed within. I thought the jellyfish room was extra cool and the shark tunnel. We were also excited to see the Lego Poseidon since we've been reading all about him in the Percy Jackson series.


When we finished at the Aquarium we basically split ways again and did a bunch of repeat rides. Me and my mom did meet up again after a bit to share another glorious round of Churros and chocolate. Then we all got back together and the kids rode on the Bionicle Blaster (it's like tea cups). None of us can stomach those roundy, roundy rides so we let them do that alone.

Then it was time for one last visit to the Gift Shop where I spent more money on hardly anything (so overpriced). Lucy had to get a picture with her friends and that was a wrap for our Legoland adventure. We got some pizza, headed back to our room and plugged in to the TV.

Unfortunately that was not a wrap for our night. Lucy woke up late that night moaning and crying. Her stomach was bothering her again and she was literally withering with agony on the floor. I thought maybe she had appendicitis or something deathly the way she was acting. I had Poppy give her a blessing and then felt we should put her in the bath tub with some warm water- sometimes that can move along bowels as I remember from my post c-section days (I had started wondering if she was having severe gas? or something?). It seemed to help just not quite in the way I expected- shortly after the bath she threw up. And after that she was able to calm down some and sleep. She still moaned with each breath though which made sleeping very hard for me. I started to become the mean (overly tired) mom that just wanted to scream at her to breathe normal. I didn't. But oh was it a long, terrible night.

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