Saturday, May 5, 2018

Our Neighborhood Beach, Bike Rodeo, Glasses & Farewell Play Date

Sunday the weather was warm again and the girls came downstairs after church in these super styling outfits! They are always mixing patterns and sometimes I fight it but since it was a Sunday, I let it go. Honestly they are so cute they can pull off anything, ha ha!

With the weather being warm I decided to take a bike ride with the kids to our neighborhood beach/park. They had a blast swinging and playing in the sand at the volleyball court. The lake water is obviously still too chilly to get in but it is going to be super fun when summer comes. As the weather warms I am more and more happy with our home choice. Such fun things to do with the kids here!

Tuesday I subbed for the first grade class I sub for a lot. I decided to just use some bribery since they had been getting a little wild the last couple times I had been there. So after each lesson and activity I picked 2 star students and they got to pick a prize out of the box. I hate that I am such a briber but it really made the day go nicely. 

Wednesday I met with the new Primary Secretary and went over what I did as secretary. I felt silly later on when she told me she had been Primary President, pretty sure she knew a lot of this stuff already. I ended up staying at her house for a few hours. Penny and her son Jude really hit it off and I had fun getting to know her since she just moved into our ward a month ago. It was weird this week when my phone reminded me to do prayer and talk reminders and I didn't have to do it. Part of me thought I should do it because she may not be up to it yet but I had to remind myself that it's not my responsibility anymore. It's interesting that I am having a hard time letting go of something I never really loved doing. 

Wednesday night we had the Cub Scout Bike Rodeo and I totally failed to document it. I am super disappointed in myself since I have pictures from the last couple years but now, not this year. I spent too much time socializing apparently. We have a new family that joined the den- they aren't members but their kids go to Kurtz with my boys. Their son is friends with Steven and their daughter is also in the class I sub for a lot. It's fun to have some new people in the bunch.

During the night we had a storm and Thursday morning Lucy's school had no power so school was cancelled. I thought she would be excited because she complains about going a lot but she started whining that she was going to miss her friends. She is so hard to please! That morning we ran an errand to pick out candles (as a Bunco prize) and apparently Lucy does not like smelly candles. She wrinkled her nose at all of them.

For lunch, I had planned to meet some friends at Red Robins with Penny so Lucy got to come along with us. They both did pretty good coloring and playing together until the end when they started to get antsy. They fought over my phone so a sweet friend shared hers with Penny. Penny must have sent at least 20 snap chats to my friend's daughter by the time we left- super fun for her daughter I'm sure ;). Then as we were leaving Penny threw a tantrum because I wouldn't put money in one of those car video games. As if I ever do that? At least the tantrum was right by the door so it was an easy out.

Thursday night we had Laci and her kids over for dinner- her husband was out of town again. I thought I was being smart because I made some kid friendly food (hot dog mac) for the kids and adult food for us grown ups (shredded pork tacos). Unfortunately the kid friendly food was not friendly enough for Wesley. He wanted nothing to do with it. He reminds a lot of what Ben used to be like. After dinner the kids had a blast playing outside but at some point Lucy and Steven confiscated my phone and took some fun pictures. Gave me a good laugh when I found them later.

Thursday evening we got a call that Steven's glasses were in. He has anxiously been awaiting their arrival so when I saw that the place was still open, I sent Steven and his dad down to get them. He is so excited to finally be able to see- he keeps telling me how clear and beautiful everything looks. He is also excited because he can now be part of his friends "glasses club." So funny! Tyler did a great job picking out the frames, I was also anxious to see what they looked like.

Friday we had a final play date with my friend Sarah and her son Rhett (the one who had a moving away party a couple weeks back). They are officially gone Sunday so it was nice to have one last hurrah with her. It was pretty much the first big play date I hosted at my house and it was quite the turn out. You can tell she's going to be missed. I was glad the weather was good because the kids were able to spend lots of time playing out in the yard. It was such a good time. We didn't get everyone in the picture because some friends had left but here is our mom selfie and kid pic below. 

Friday night we finally met our neighbor who is across from us on Royal Blvd. She works at as a Gymnastic teacher for toddlers. She actually works at a place that a lot of people in my Ward take their kids. She seems pretty nice but informed us that the people who lived in her before the last ones called this house a money pit- super comforting words. 

Today Tyler is finally ordering a new front door and screen door! Our screen door doesn't shut and blows in the wind so we've been tying it shut. The front door also squeals when it opens and has gaps in the frame. I am so glad the weather has finally warmed up enough that Tyler is willing to install new doors!

Tonight we have a birthday bash for a friend that has a fiesta theme. I am hosting Bunbo next week with a fiesta theme so maybe it'll give me some fun last minute ideas for my party ;)

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