Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bonus Post

A bonus post! Yesterday we did end up ordering a new front door and we ended up planting a garden! We planted only carrots and onions because this is our test run and we thought we should keep it simple. We also planted some bell peppers indoors. Already we have had a critter get into our garden and dig a small hole, so obviously we need some barriers. I am hoping in the next few months something will grow!

To reward ourselves for our hard work I took the kids to Dodge Park. They wanted to walk but it was pretty warm and I figured the girls would wimp out quickly so we compromised- we parked at the library and took the short walk from there. The kids had a lot of fun on the seesaw and we tried lots of different combinations seeing who would fly up in the air each time and who would weigh it down. 

Walking back to our car, we had to take a picture by the creek. It was such a pretty Michigan day.

Looking so handsome in his glasses. He cleans those things constantly- he is so anal about them being perfectly clear.

Something else that happened Saturday...While I was working on this blog, I thought the girls were nicely playing mommy and daughter in the guest room. When I went to go check on my plants in the bathroom, I found the girls trying (and failing) to wash off nail polish that they had gotten all over their hands, arms and Lucy even got it on her legs. Lucy had done a pretty good job painting her nails, it just appeared she got carried away and decided some of her fingers and her legs need polish too. Penny had just gotten it all over her hands. It was a giant mess. They also got some drops on the carpet and I found that nail polish remover just spread the mess. I ended up sort of getting it out with hairspray and windex- thank you internet. 

And ending with a funny...Penny calls her shorts "short sleeve pants." When we were at Walmart the other day I was getting Lucy some shorts and Penny began to get very upset because she wanted new "short sleeve pants" too! Tantrums are no fun but the fact that she was crying out for short sleeve pants kind of lightened the mood.

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