Saturday, May 19, 2018

Wonder Woman, Mother's Day, Scout Hike, Dent

Last Saturday Ben got to go to his best friend Andrea's birthday party and Wonder Woman made an appearance. He was quick to inform me when he got home that he knew that wasn't the real Wonder Woman. But the way he said it almost sounded like he was wanting to see if I would confirm that fact that she was indeed a fake. I didn't ;). He had a fun time learning how to be a Super Hero and hanging with his friends.

All of Saturday Lucy kept telling me that she was so excited for Mother's Day so she could give me my gifts. She also informed me that her guest teacher this past week told her mom's like to get breakfast in bed. We have church early in the morning so I tried to dissuade her from this, I was going to have Tyler make my traditional crepes after church. Lucy, however, was very insistent that I have breakfast in bed so she made me a bowl of cereal and brought it up on a cutting board (we gave away our only tray in the move). She was a little disappointed that I had already got up and showered but I pacified her by hopping back in bed. After breakfast I came downstairs and was given lots of pictures and stories made by the kids, a nice card, flowers, a yoga mat, and a cactus statue (because of course!)

Church was nice, we Primary people all got a break and were able to go to Relief Society third hour. The Bishop presented us with a nice message and then we got to eat and socialize. After church I took a short nap and then requested a nature walk with the kids. There is a trail just across Commerce Road from us so we decided to go check that one out. Penny was not a happy camper at first. She kept informing us that she "hates walking" and cried for a bit but soon she remembered she likes sticks and rocks and she started to have fun. At the end of a trail we discovered a large pine tree that had a platform up high in the branches. None of us were brave enough to climb all the way up to the platform but all of us had fun swinging from it's branches. On the way back Lucy decided her legs were tired and whined A LOT. But this was a true representation of motherhood. Some really crappy parts but a lot of fun too.

After the hike I took a bike ride with the boys while Tyler made me amazing crepes. All in all it was a pretty good Mother's Day.

Monday I subbed and on Tuesday I babysat for a friend. She has a one and a half year old and he did really good while I was finishing up cleaning the house but once I was done he kept insisting on leaking his bottle all over my clean floor. He's little, it happens but this just served as a reminder of how spoiled I am with my older kids. I don't know how I survived all those years with little ones- they are tough! 

On Tuesday Steven had a field trip to the Adventure Park in West Bloomfield- basically a ropes course. He had a blast and has been begging to go back ever since. Unfortunately it's $25 a person so I am not sure when he'll get to go there again. I think Tyler would love to go there with him though.

Wednesday I subbed again and then Steven had a 3 mile Scout hike that I joined in on. I made a giant mistake and thought the hike was at 7. I realized at 5:45 that it actually started at 6. Tyler was still at a Dentist Appt so Steven and I rushed out, leaving Ben in charge. Thankfully all the kids survived- probably helps that they were just able to watch TV the whole time.

The hike was great and as the sun was setting it felt kind of magical. Michigan is just so pretty and it is moments like these that I feel so blessed to be here. We saw an owl, a toad and bunnies- super neat stuff! The only drawback was part of the path was flooded- several inches deep. We managed to use some branches to get through without getting too soaked but Steven, at one point, informed me that he wasn't going to cross it. What is funny is that a large group a girls came by and just tromped right through it. I think that provided him some encouragement to just go.

Thursday I got my tire fixed (it had a screw in it) and I went to a Minute Clinic because I have yet another ear infection. The Dr there thinks it's allergy related. I don't know, it's just annoying and I am hoping I don't become a frequent patient for this. I really would like my ears to stop itching so much and then getting full of fluid, neither sensation is fun.

Friday I watched my friend's kids and she sort of had an accident in my driveway. She went to punch on the brakes so she wouldn't hit my car but instead she punched on the gas and ran smack into the back corner of it. It seems I am not allowed to have pretty things. She was so embarrassed but I informed her of all my way more embarrassing accidents and I think that helped. Tyler ended up coming home so he could take off the back part- it had got smushed against the tire. Basically he popped out the dent in the bumper and fixed the part the best he could so it doesn't look too terrible for now. Eventually he says he will replace the back part. My friend has offered to pay to fix all the damage which is super nice but not expected. Here in Michigan insurance is "no fault" which means each party pays for their own damage regardless of who did it. If she didn't know me, she wouldn't be paying so I'm not sure I'll let her- accidents happen as I know from experience.

And I also almost burned down the house Friday- quite a disastrous day. This electrical outlet has always been a little worrisome so I never use it but without thinking I put my charger in there. When I realized what I had done, I went to take it out and sparks flew. Seriously freaked me out! Somehow I remained unharmed and so did my charger. 

Friday night the boys went to the Priesthood Commemoration Campout and the girls and I went out for Frosty's. I mostly did this because Thursday had been Muffins with Mom but I didn't feel like hauling all 4 kids to this crowded affair and then rushing the boys to school. So instead I promised Lucy a special dessert with just us girls and this worked like a charm. Afterwards we came home and watched "Paddington." It was a nice girl's night!

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