Saturday, April 28, 2018

S'mores, Expander, Color Run & Temple Activity

Tyler and I have been experiencing some calling changes at church, not sure if I wrote about this yet, but Tyler is no longer YM's president. However, he is now the Scout Master so not much has changed on that front. He still has Wednesday night activities and Camp Outs. I have *finally* been released as Primary Secretary and starting this Sunday Tyler and I will be teaching Steven's Primary Class (yup Tyler has 2 callings now). Still in primary but I am excited to be back on the teaching end of things. I sort of went a really crazy planning this Sunday's lesson, probably won't come prepared with story props and a hand out every week but it was pretty fun for this week. I am also hoping that maybe us having some time with Steven in a different setting will be a good thing for our relationship.

The weather this past Sunday was full of sunshine and perfect for s'more making. It's fun having a fire pit in our yard so that we can build fires and eat some s'mores whenever we feel like it. It was a perfect night that made me so excited for summer to officially hit here.

Monday my mom and I walked to Dodge Park. It's a bit further than our one in Milford but not too far. I also saw the trail that we can walk to go to the library. It will be fun to walk to the park and the library in the summer. That combined with our beach, should make for some good summer activities.

Tuesday I had to take Grams to the airport so she could go back to AZ. This made me very sad and the house has felt like it's missing a piece ever since she left. I am grateful that I only have to wait one more month before I get to see her again. Our trip to Legoland can't come fast enough! 

To alleviate the sadness of Grams leaving I met a friend at Arby's for lunch. Curly fries and roast beef sandwiches were definitely the highlight of my Tuesday. It's nice to have a friend that loves Arby's as much as I do. Her daughter, Lucie, always cracks me up because she literally drinks the Arby's Sauce. Even though the kids didn't get kid's meals an employee was nice enough to give us a toy. The toy was the game Uno so we had some fun playing it before we left.

Tuesday night I took Lucy to Five and Below while Tyler took everyone else to basketball. Lucy was desperate to spend some money that her Poppy Hatch had given her. She ended up picking out a mermaid stuffie. Another doll to add to her massive collection.

Wednesday we had Penny's friend Brooks over. They get along so well, I really love their friendship. Then that afternoon we met a friend at the library. Our girls kept going to opposite areas of the library so I didn't get to socialize too much with my friend but Penny still had fun. She loves the touch screen table they have- she especially loves the game on it where she "clean up a beach" by swiping garbage into the proper cans. There's even poop that has to be swiped into the trash. So funny what will entertain a kid.

Thursday morning I had my last Primary Meeting. I debated going since I have been released, even if not officially from the pulpit, but I ended up going. I will miss the time spent with the ladies in the presidency but I will not miss the meetings so much. Trying to figure out who to place where and dealing with teacher drama- I'm good with being done with that. Especially since the drama has increased since we have started combining activity days with the other ward.  

Thursday afternoon Steven got his expander put in his mouth. Oh my goodness has this created drama. He is struggling with eating and every time he tries to eat he freaks out because it gets stuck under the expander and he claims he will never be able to eat anything again. He can be so DRAMATIC. I understand that it's not comfortable, but it's not going anywhere any time soon he has to learn how to deal with it. I really hope we can survive this transition period. In the meantime he is constantly asking when his glasses will come in. He is still excited for those but I wonder how he will really feel about adjusting to those when they come.

Friday was the first day in awhile that I had literally no plans (well besides picking up groceries). I took advantage of the blank day, got some things done around the house, played some games with Penny, pushed her on the swing and I even took a nap with Penny. It was literally just what the doctor ordered. 

In my laziness I did not go to the Color Run that the boys had at school that day but I had some nice friends who took pictures for me. The boys came home just as colored and were immediately ordered to shower. Pretty sure they had a blast.

That night Tyler went on a Scout Camp Out and I made him take Steven with him. It was a pretty long hike and he had to wear a hiking pack the whole way but Tyler said he did good. It's funny how whiny Steven can be at home but not so much with outdoorsy things- I'm pretty sure that's his element.

Saturday morning, I had one final primary activity to help out with. With Tyler and Steven out camping, it was just me and the other 3. Unfortunately this activity was not the best one for me to have as my last- it was a pretty big bust. We had it at the Stake Center and the Temple President and his wife were to come speak to us and then afterwards we were going to walk the Temple grounds, take pictures and have a picnic. Unfortunately we started badly with the Temple President being late and us trying desperately to kill time. By the time they got there the kids were super wiggly. After that we went to go walk the grounds, only to find that it was raining (not to mention it was cold outside). Everyone kind of dispersed and the whole point of being by the temple was wasted. I definitely feel like there were things we could've done better but alas, I will never have the chance to fix the things that went wrong. After cleaning up from it, the rain had abated some so me and the kids went for a little walk- only to have Penny throw a fit because I wanted her to take a pic with her Ben and Lucy. So yeah, not a great morning, but I did get a few fun pics. 

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