Saturday, May 12, 2018

Exercising, Fiesta, Fundraiser

This week me and Tyler started something new- we started doing YouTube 30 minute workout videos each morning. This means we have to wake up a bit earlier which has challenged our non morning personalities but we succeeded for the week! I am so out of shape and have been sore everyday since we started but the level of soreness has improved some since the first day so that's promising. We also started reading scriptures in the morning. On nights when the boys have basketball or scouts, scriptures weren't happening so the switch has been good at getting us a regular again. I am hoping we can keep at these new routines!

I spent most of Monday and Tuesday preparing for Bunco since I was hosting the fiesta this month. I did take a little break at one point and walk Penny (and her friend we were watching) down to our neighborhood beach. When the weather is good and the skies are blue, Michigan can sure feel dreamy. 

Tuesday night was my Bunco party and I only snapped one picture- my friend Melissa who won the mini sombrero. She was nice enough to pose for me. We had two no shows and one person who had to leave early so the Bunco playing part was short lived- we only got through 2 rounds. I also made an enormous amount of food. I made 1 enchilada per person plus 2 extras but a lot of people just ate a half of an enchilada. I had so much left over afterwards so note to self to make way less next time. Overall though, I think the party was a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food (I even got asked for the recipe), and the decorations and the prizes (there was a lawn ornament that several people wanted) so I feel good about it. I also feel extremely relieved that it is all done. Hopefully I can go another 2 years before hosting again!

After hosting Bunco Tuesday night things sort of calmed down and I didn't have too much going on. That was probably a good thing because both of the girls seemed a little out of sorts this week- needy and cranky. This meant I had a lot of time to give to them. Penny and I did several walks when the weather was good. She looks pretty cute in a helmet.

Friday I subbed for a fourth grade class and they were alright. The day was busy with a presentation about students with special needs, an engineering class and extra PE so that all helped the day fly. There was one kid who had an attitude reminiscent to Steven and I had to teach some Government things that I was unsure about but I made it through! I feel like I wing it way more here than I ever did in AZ and  I am not sure if my brain has lost too many cells since then or things are getting harder or what. Thankfully people still keep asking for me to come back.

Friday night the Young Men and Young Women had a Fundraiser at the church. The food was good, there were fun games and face painting for the kids, a fun presentation by the Bishopric and a silent auction. I donated my salsa and some handmade note cards and were glad that each of my items got bid on. It always makes me nervous to put my stuff out there but I am grateful for nice people who at least act like they want it ;) I also got us four hours of babysitting for $25 from a sweet older couple in our ward. I know they are going to dote on the kids so that'll be fun to use. It's crazy that $25 for 4 hours is such a deal- when I was babysitting that's how much I made for babysitting for 5 hours. Things are so much more expensive now.

And today, Saturday, the temperatures have dropped and it's rainy outside. Good ole Michigan and it's bipolar weather, you'd think I would be used to it by now. Ben was at his BF Andrea's birthday party this morning so I took the rest of the kids to the library. They had some fun photo props out that the kids of course had to put to use.

And right now the kids are fighting like cats and dogs and I am ready for it to be Sunday so maybe, just maybe they'll remember it's Mother's Day and treat me a little extra nice because seriously, the fighting 😑

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