Saturday, January 20, 2018

Karate Starts

So I love our new house, I do, but I would really appreciate if it would stop causing problems. First we had the roof leak which Tyler seems to have fixed (it didn't leak after the last big melt so that's positive). After that we had a "leak" in the basement which turned out to be a hose that just needed to be tied down in the basement sink so it didn't squirt everywhere. Tyler realized that was the problem after buying a new sump pump *sigh*. And now we have plugged pipes upstairs that are rendering the shower useless. Tyler hasn't had time to fix that one yet but is hoping that his small snake will be enough that we don't have to call a rooter. These things are annoying but I am grateful that so far we hadn't had any super expensive problems. I hope that if we must keep having problems that they will at least stay small.

This week was not super exciting- just busy. Monday was MLK Day and we spent the morning running errands and getting the girl's hair cut. That afternoon I took Steven with me to watch "The Greatest Showman." He is a good sport to come with me so I don't have to go alone. About halfway through he started complaining that he was tired so I am pretty sure the movie was not his cup of tea but I really loved it. The music, the dancing, the good moral message- it was a hit in my books! The only things I really didn't love Steven seeing- the previews before (one about a boy coming out and another a love story with a skinny dipping clip), the massive amount of cleavage from the bearded lady, some kissing (Steven hates kissing) and a lady who kisses a married man- besides those things it was a pretty kid friendly movie. I am now constantly listening to the soundtrack- it's good stuff.

Tuesday I cleaned house and also had a Primary Meeting. I really love the people in the presidency so I guess my calling isn't the worst. I just get tired/lazy of having to redo the same things each year (new birthday gifts, new spotlights, doing the baptism preview, reminders, newsletters...)Yeah, mostly just lazy.

Tuesday night we had an exciting Michigan event, a meteor zoomed overhead. Ben saw the flash of it when he was walking into Lucy's room and told me that he just saw lightening. I totally didn't believe him because it's winter, you don't get lightening on a cold, non rainy, winter day. Moments later we heard a rumble but I was still skeptical, I thought maybe it was a really loud truck or someone putting away their garbage bin. Then a bit later I was on FB and it was all over that a meteor had landed in Taylor, Michigan and there had been sightings all over the place. Lucky Ben was the only one in our family who got to see it's awesome flash! 

Wednesday I subbed for Ben's class. I had subbed for them before and really enjoyed it but I did not enjoy it this time. They were super hyper and it was an exhausting day, my voice was tired. Afterwards I had to rush Lucy to Karate. 5pm is not the greatest time for it, especially when I have to pick up Penny and Lucy after subbing, but we made it right on time. Unfortunately everyone else seemed to make it there early and were all rearing to go and in uniforms no less, it felt awkward. It turns out they join their regular class with us newcomers who signed up the Walled Lake Rec. That explained why most of these kids looked like pros. Lucy is definitely in need of lots more lessons but she sure was cute doing it and she had lots of fun!

I had Bunco that night and had the best laugh when I rolled the die with some crazy flair and still got a Bunco. I may not have actually won any prizes that night but it was such a blast.

Thursday the boys had karate. I did not go because I was watching a friend's daughter but Tyler said they are about as coordinated as Lucy (and me). I really am happy about the prospect of them getting more coordinated and confident. If the next 5 weeks go well, I might consider doing karate long term- we'll see.

Friday I had another sub day. This one is for a teacher who uses me lots- she keeps me employed seeing how she is absent almost once a week, ha ha! I typically love that class but was worried with my luck they would have gone evil, but they didn't. It was actually a really good day. I don't know if maybe it just seemed so good because the last one was so hard but I'll take it.

And that was our week in a nutshell, and I'll end with a cute pic of Benny and his best friend, Andrea, at school:

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