Saturday, September 2, 2017

Zoo Fun, Etc

This week started out rainy and no fun but on Wednesday the weather took a turn for the warm so we were able to have a fun day at the beach with friends. We were at the beach for almost 3 hours and I feel like we could've stayed even longer but unfortunately we had to get home so we could get ready for Meet the Teacher Night (which actually started early afternoon). The kids were having so much fun though- making sand castles, pulling each other around on boogie boards, finding cool shells and rocks and even finding a dead fish that they kept on re-finding, until someone finally threw it away.  

After showering off all the sand, we went to meet Lucy's teacher first at Country Oaks. Going to a new school for a school event is always an adventure because schools never seem to be equipped for a large amount of people to visit. When we got there (and we were about 10 minutes early) there was absolutely no where to park. We ended up parking in a field by the road in front of the school. Thankfully other people followed suit so that means it must have been allowed, right? After parking we had to stand in a line and wait for the doors to open and when they did, they only allowed a single file line inside so it took a bit to get inside. Once inside we had no idea where to go and there was no one to direct us so that was super fun. When we finally found her classroom Miss Lucy was super shy with her teacher but so excited to see all the fun things in the room and her new teacher seems super nice. I recognized her teacher from subbing and I really feel like she'll be good for Lucy. She was even excited to find out that I sub and wrote down my name for reference.

After meeting Lucy's teacher, we headed to the boy's school. We had absolutely no trouble parking there which was a relief and there were plenty of people to direct us to their classrooms- even though we didn't need it. Ben has the teacher Steven had last year. She was really excited to have him (maybe because she doesn't realize how much more challenging Ben is) and she even sent me a text to tell me how happy she was. I, on the other hand, am a little nervous about Ben having her. Her class last year was chaotic and I am not sure how Ben will do in a classroom like that. This year she has less kids though so maybe it will be better. I am trying to think positive. 

Next we met Steven's teacher. She is one teacher that I have never really met and I have heard very mixed reviews about her. The gist I get is that if you are not on her good side, it will be a very bad year. Steven is wiggly and chatty so I am not sure he'll be on her good side, so I'm a bit nervous for him.

Wednesday night, we went to the Hess home and watched "Aladdin" in their backyard. The kids had a blast and surprisingly the girls stayed up for the whole movie. It was such a long day between the beach, meeting the teachers and the movie but it was so full of all those things that make for a perfect summers day that I can't complain.

Thursday was spent recovering from Wednesday and then on Friday we went to the Zoo with Laci and her kids. We got their early for once so we beat the crowds which was nice. I feel like for once we didn't overdo it at the zoo. A lot of times we go and we do too much so the walk back to the car is a nightmare but today we did just the right amount and there wasn't too much complaining. It'll probably be our last zoo day for awhile with school starting soon so I'm glad we ended on a high note.

We also found out this week that we got the final approval on our home loan so we are officially going to be home owners. I am slightly terrified but excited too. I just wish we could teleport all our stuff into the new house because holy poop, 6 people's worth of stuff is a lot of stuff. When I think of all that's coming my way- moving and then going to AZ for 2 weeks and then Christmas it completely stresses me out so I am trying to take deep breaths and listen to calming music so I don't have a panic attack, ha ha! Wish me luck!

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