Sunday, September 17, 2017

Closing Day

It was a busy week but I made it through with only a few meltdowns (from me). On Monday, after a Primary meeting, I cleaned the house like crazy and took pictures of our rental while it was looking all nice and clean. I was hoping that would save the Property Manager a trip to our house, he really creeps me out, but of course he still had to come to walk through later that week. Oh well, they have the pictures and they have done a walk through so I am now anxiously awaiting them to list this rental. We found out we will be able to move into our new home October 16th so I am hoping they can find someone to replace us at our rental for November and December.

Tuesday I had my first sub job of the school year. I subbed a half day for a third grade class. It was pretty good in the beginning, they were a little noisy but nothing unmanageable. However, when math time hit they became pretty challenging. I don't know what it is about math time but I can never seem to keep kids' attention when teaching it. I also made the mistake of being nice to the teacher and agreeing to stay an extra half hour. That meant after they got all rowdy during math I still had another half hour with them before being done. At least, it wasn't the worst job I have had. I am subbing for them again Tuesday afternoon- at least this time I will hopefully miss math time. Fingers crossed!

Thursday we had our final walk through of the home. Sometimes I have a hard time not focusing on the draw backs of the house and I struggled with that when we were walking through. Afterwards we drove through the neighborhood -it really is a nice neighborhood- and we got to see our neighborhood beach and it is super fun. We also met one of our neighbors who was kind of a spunky, older lady. All these things got me more excited. I know this house doesn't have everything we want and it definitely could use some beautification but it is OUR home and it is going to be fun making it our own. Thinking about our nice little neighborhood and getting in there and really settling in and decorating it does make me excited. I am eagerly anticipating October! 


On Friday we officially closed which means we are now official home owners! I finally feel like a proper grown up!Penny did such a good job while we signed all the papers that we decided she definitely deserved a Frosty.

Friday night we went to a party at a friend's house to celebrate National Rice Krispy Treat Day. It was super fun and all my kids got super overloaded with sugar, Ben came home with a tummy ache. Maybe he'll learn his lesson about eating too much sugar?

Friday night Tyler officially finished our new table. After having a giant table, this normal sized table seems SO small! But he did a really nice job and I am excited to put it in our new house. Next up- matching chairs!

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