Saturday, September 30, 2017

Subbing for Lucy's class and other things

This week was kind of a nice break from last week. I got sub requests for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but had to turn them all down because I was helping out a friend whose baby had to get surgery this week. That friend is also the one who typically helps me get Lucy to Jr Kinder when I sub at Kurtz (because her son goes to Jr Kinder too)so without her help it really was impossible to sub those day. I was just surprised that we are still in the first month of school and I was getting so many requests. I also feel unreasonably guilty for turning down sub requests, I think it's just because I know we could use the money and I also worry people will stop asking me if I say no a lot.

So anyways, my week in a nutshell: 

Monday I got the house cleaned up. 

Tuesday was our last warm day before it cooled down again so I took Penny to the beach with some friends. We also went out to Arby's with one of my friends and then got to check out her new home. It was fun to talk to her about all her projects she has in mind for her home and get excited about the projects I will have for my own!

Wednesday I picked up my friend and her baby from the hospital (which is in Ann Arbor and is not a fun place to drive) and then I did some packing when I got home. 

Thursday I had no sub requests, which is ironic because I actually could've subbed, so we hung out with another friend and then I did more packing. At this point I feel like there's not too much left to pack. We're planning on doing a slow move that consists of lots of car and truck loads (we are also borrowing a trailer so we'll do at least one trailer load a day)so mostly what is left is being used and/or can just be thrown into the car.

Friday was my one sub job this week. It was for Lucy's Jr Kinder class and her teacher had asked me to do it a couple weeks ago. I was excited to see how her class operates but totally nervous about being alone with 20 4 & 5 year olds. The morning went well which probably has to do with the fact they had music and an assembly in the morning. The assembly was fun magic/science show. The afternoon was a hot mess. The kids were supposed to have resting time which was such a waste. Not a single kid actually wanted to rest. After "rest" time I pretty much had the whole class asking to go potty so we went over to the bathrooms which ended up being chaos. After that it was small groups and recess and getting ready to go home and all these things were made more challenging by one student who refused to listen. He was super naughty and disruptive and *sigh* I have no idea how Lucy's teacher deals with him everyday. And I have no idea how she deals with such a tattle telling class, ha ha! That's pretty typical of littles though. Anyways I was exhausted by the end of the day (of course the most challenging one was the last to go home) but I survived. I am still not sure how I feel about Lucy being in this class all day- there's not a whole lot of learning but I am also not sure what you can really expect with one teacher and 20 littles...

After that exhausting day, we were told someone was coming to see the rental at 7 so we had to quickly clean up the house and get out. I was starving, tired and not a fun person to be around but I got it clean and we got out. And then we got fed so as to stop me from being so hangry. The upsetting thing about all that was apparently the people who came were only at the rental for 10 mins so pretty sure all the cleaning was in vain. I am not surprised though, they have raised the rent they want to $1800 ($450 more than we have been paying) and I am doubting that anyone would really want to pay that much for this house. At the same time I am really hoping someone will!

And that is our week!

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