Saturday, September 23, 2017

Subbing My Week Away

This week has been busy, busy, busy with work! I am amazed that we are only on the third week of school and I had three sub jobs this week. I did one half day for the third grade class I subbed in last week, one half day in Ben's class and a full day for the teacher Ben had last year. I am so grateful for nice people who watch Penny while I work and other nice people who get Lucy to school. It gives me a good opportunity to keep my foot in the teaching door and to make some extra cash because with buying a house, heaven knows we need it!

I was really feeling proud of myself with my first 2 sub jobs. I had better control over the third grade class this time than I had the last time (due to some bribery but hey- it worked!). I also felt like I did really well subbing in Ben's class. They are a good group of kids- minus the one kid who has similar Ben issues and melts down when things are hard and the other kid who is very dramatic and doesn't understand why her friends expect her "to be perfect." 

Yesterday with my third sub job, my confidence burst a little. The morning went really well with this first grade class (last years crazy Kindergartners). I was surprised to find that Ben's old teacher no longer team teaches because her team teacher is out on long term sick leave but despite not having that extra support it was still going well. Then the afternoon hit (a Friday afternoon at that) and the kids lost their ability to sit still and got much more harder to keep focused. It didn't help that I was lacking in material to fill time with and trying to stretch things out. It also didn't help that she had planned a first day of Fall walk on a day that we hit 90 degrees (probably hotter than any actual day we've had this summer). It was a rough afternoon but I did survive and at least there were no major incidents so that's good. Maybe my pride just needed a little humbling?

Subbing was pretty much my week. I did have one nice babysitter who is also a hair stylist and cut Penny's hair while she was there so no more shaggy Penny. Also, Friday night we had a Ward Emergency Preparedness Potluck (this was Tyler's ingenious idea). It had a good turn out, good food and I think people learned stuff ;) And today the 3 oldest kids got to go see "Lego Ninjago" with their dad and that is our week in a nutshell!

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