Saturday, August 19, 2017

Summer Fun

This week has been a pretty good one, filled with all things summer and *mostly* well behaved kids. The first summer fun thing we did was a Cub Scout swim at the Hines pool. Their pool was brand new and super fancy- it had a perfect shallow spot for little ones, a diving board and a slide- the kids had so much fun! What made it even better was that an older sister there that helped out a ton with the girls. Also, added bonus, the water wasn't freezing for once so I actually could go in it :)

Wednesday we did a beach day with friends. I have found if we play with the right friends, the kids have enough fun that they forget to fight with each other and it makes my life easier. These were the right friends and it was a good time. 

Thursday was rainy so we went to The Commons, an indoor play place. When we first arrived at The Commons the kids were super whiny- there's too many kids, this is boring, blah, blah, blah... After about 10 minutes we ended up at the indoor field and then they started having some fun. We played soccer, played catch, played with a giant bouncy ball. It was good times- minus the baby who kept stealing things from Penny and another kid who kept kicking the soccer ball super hard at the boys. I had fun playing soccer with Ben and actually being able to block a few shots and make a few shots- pretty pathetic when doing better than a 7 year old makes you proud of yourself, I definitely need to work out more.

Friday the weather was perfect for a zoo day so we met up with some friends there. It was mostly a good time minus whining over walking. Sometimes I feel like I just need a massive stroller for all the kids. Or maybe we should just get a 6 seater golf cart?

This morning we went kayaking with Laci & Mark. It was a belated birthday request to go on a kayak double date. It was super fun! The weather was 70's with a breeze and we basically floated around and chatted, very little paddling involved, ha ha. I really need to get my kayak out more, I always enjoy being out on the water. I am excited for the lake privileges will be getting in our new house!

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