Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Birthday, A Paddle Board & Milford Memories

This week started with our home inspection. The biggest problem they found was that the house has a "fatigued" septic system. This means in roughly 5-10 years we will be in for a pretty expensive fix. There were a few other smaller issues as well so we decided to offer them $5000 less for the house. They accepted our new offer so now we are on to the next steps- home appraisal and securing a loan. Super fun grown up stuff. I feel like at this point we pretty much have this house so I'm getting more excited and starting to plan.

On Tuesday I turned 32. Since 32 isn't exactly anything exciting I celebrated by being pretty unexciting. In the morning I went to the park with a friend. In the afternoon I dealt with Ben having an emotional breakdown and then for dinner we went out to the Olive Garden. The kids are doing so much better with going out for dinner so it was actually really nice. Afterwards Tyler bought me some Sanders carrot cake (just like my dad had for his birthday). It was yummy! So yummy that the next day I found half the icing had been eaten off by a certain little girl named Lucy. 

Wednesday night I went out for cheesecake with Laci. It was so nice to get out and not have to deal with the bedtime routine for a night. We stayed out way too late chatting and it made me realize just how lucky I am to have such a great friend.

On Thursday we had a beach day with some friends. One of our friends had a paddle board and all my kids absolutely loved it. First Laci paddled all my kids plus her two around and then Steven decided to go by himself and about got stuck in the middle of the lake because he couldn't figure out how to come back. After that fun drama I let Lucy "paddle" all the kids around near the shore. It was kind of a hectic beach day for me but I think the kids had fun.

Friday was the first day of Milford Memories so we invited some friends to park in our driveway and we all walked over to the kid's tent. They all had lots of fun doing free crafts and playing free games and earning silly little prizes.

As we were walking back home from the festival the kids saw these crocodile toys that they just had to have. I told Steven if he mowed the lawn I would give him $5 for it. He grumbled at first but then he did it and when I gave him the money I think it dawned on him how easy that was to make. He then wanted to mow the neighbor's lawn for money too (which he later did- we have sweet obliging neighbors). Ben and Lucy picked weeds so that they could earn money too and then when dad got home we all walked down to the shop and got all the kids their hard earned crocodile toys. It rained on us on the way to buy them but the kids didn't mind, they were just so excited to have them!  

This morning we ran some errands and cleaned the church and then this afternoon Steven and Lucy walked the whole festival with me. It was a lot of walking but they were troopers. We saw lots of fun arts and crafts to buy, they sprayed the fire hose, they played some games and did another free craft. To reward them for their good behavior we got a snow cone. Lucy is only grumpy in the snow cone picture because she wanted a spoon but they had given her a straw. 

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