Saturday, March 4, 2017

Rough Week

This week started off rough. Monday morning I subbed for a super challenging kindergarten class that I had subbed for before. I had this one kid who was having a hard day who kept getting upset and hiding- one time he ran off into the empty classroom next to us. Then that afternoon I subbed for Steven's class. The bribery I used with them last time (handing out tickets for drawings for a prize) did not work this time. They could not, for the life of them, cease talking and listen. I ended up making them all write me apology notes before they could go out to recess. My favorite one was from someone who told me that I didn't deserve such an awful class. Ha ha, so sweet. After recess, they actually started to act much better, probably because we watched a movie. Such a long rough day. 

On Tuesday Grams left us. The girls and I took her out for a yummy breakfast that morning. Before we took her to the airport we ran to a couple of stores which was a bad idea. Penny screamed most of the way to the airport, helping Grams to be more excited about leaving us. It was so hard for me to say goodbye to Grams. She has been an amazing help- watching the kids while me and Tyler went away, watching the kids while I subbed, helping with sick kids, helping when I was a sick kid myself, and so on and so forth. Not to mention it was so nice to have her company when Tyler was away. The kids already miss her and Lucy keeps asking me when it will be warm again so we can go to AZ (I told her we are going in the summer, when it's hot out). It's going to be a long 4 months until we get to see Grams (or as Penny called her, Nana) again :(

I just loved that Benny always loved snuggling with Grams and that Steven loved learning how to do the things that Grams was doing (like Sodoku and Cross Stitching):

We had the hardest time getting a picture of all 4 kids with Grams before she left. Steven kept closing his eyes, Lucy is silly, Penny never looks at the camera, and Ben has issues with light in his eyes (it's too bright!). 

The rest of our week we continued to get haunted by the stomach bug. Ben finally recovered from it Monday but then it was Steven's turn. Steven was complaining about not feeling well Tuesday night but he kept telling me he was just car sick from reading a book on the way home from Scouts. That night I woke up and heard the bathroom fan running downstairs. I had a feeling this was an ominous sign and that feeling was confirmed when I went to check it out. Steven was on his bed crying and their was throw up everywhere. That kid cannot make it to the bathroom for the life of him- probably because he refuses to admit he's going to puke until it's much too late. He managed to aim it just right that he got his bedding, it fell through the cracks and into the drawers under his bed and he got the rug. It took me almost an hour to clean it up. Thankfully he only threw up that once and by the end of Wednesday he was just fine.

Penny was the last kid to get hit with the bug. Early Thursday morning she woke up super cranky and then she threw up. Thankfully, she made it in the toilet. Also, thankfully, her bug was super short lived too. She only threw up that once and then she was just kind of an emotional roller coaster for the day and then she was fine by Friday.

With all our sick we had to cancel our fun plans with friends for the week and it ended up being just a super boring, cabin fever sort of week- made especially more cabin feverish with Tyler being away. 

At least Ben had some fun at school- celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday and he took a field trip to the Dentist's office where they had a performance with TMNT's teaching them about taking care of their teeth. Also Penny decided she wanted to learn how to use scissors. With my help, she cut out that Barbie she's holding in the picture below- she did such a good job ;)

Silly Lucy kept picking at a scab on her nose and making it bleed so she was constantly putting band aides on her nose. She looked so funny with band aides on her nose! Also, one morning Lucy was singing a 21 pilots song to me, only she thought the words said, "I'm lonely! I'm lonely!" (instead of "I'm falling!") Well after being downstairs for a bit she came back up and cried to me that everyone was being mean. I told her to just go play by herself but she replied, "But I don't want to play alone. Remember that song? I'm lonely at the table!"

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