Saturday, March 18, 2017

Prayer Answered, Dental Work, Math Competition, Etc

So as you know, I have had some rough sub jobs lately and I have had a hard time wanting to sub again. These rough jobs also left me doubting myself and my ability to teach and manage children. Sunday night I was really starting to wonder if I was on the wrong career path and if I should start looking somewhere else to make extra income for my family. So that night I prayed, spilling out all my worries and asking if I should continue to substitute teach. Early the next morning a sub job came up at the boy's school and I took it. It turned out to be one of the best sub jobs I have had since starting up here. The class was well behaved and lots of fun. It was everything I loved about subbing and it was an answer to my prayers. I am so grateful that despite all my imperfections my Heavenly Father listens to and answers my prayers.

On Tuesday it was time to give Lucy's dental work a retry but this time with laughing gas. I don't know if she wasn't breathing in the laughing gas through her nose correctly or if just wasn't affecting her for some reason but it was not a success. I had to hold down her hands, another person held her face still and periodically another lady came in and helped hold down her legs. It was the saddest thing ever. Somehow we made it through the hour long process but it was excruciating to see her so upset the whole time. Afterwards, she was awarded for surviving with a trip to Target where she got to pick out a toy. Penny did such a phenomenal job of entertaining herself while I was holding Lucy down so she got a toy too. Below is Lucy having a hard time mustering enthusiasm about her new Shopkins because her mouth is numb.

Later that day Lucy was eating Spaghetti O's and she informed me that the Spaghetti O's had fixed her teeth and everything was all better now. Apparently the numbing had finally worn off.

Wednesday night was Bunco and I won the loser prize for the second week in a row! I scored so little that everyone was genuinely surprised when I told them my score- it's so nice to be good at loosing ;)

Thursday night the boys had their Math Pentathlon Competition. They played math games against other students in their District. The way it works is that you can't be where they are playing unless you are a monitor and since I wasn't signed up to be one but a friend in my Ward was, she took them. If we had gone we would have just had to wait outside the room forever so I am grateful she took them. When they came back home they were super excited to show me the coupons they got in their goody bag- even more excited to show me those than to share the fact that their school won first place in the competition. It was super funny- I guess they know how much their mom loves a good coupon!

Friday was St. Patrick's day and we kept it simple, we had Lucky Charms for breakfast (although Lucy didn't because we have terrified her about getting more sugar bugs and having to go back to the dentist- we are such good parents). I took the girls to the library that morning and they had some fun St. Patrick's day crafts the girls got to do. And of course all my kids wore green to avoid being pinched!

That afternoon we watched one of Lucy's friends and because they needed something to do and I have been trying to do at least one educational thing a week (I aim high guys) I had Lucy and her friend make shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks.

Later that day, because we live in Michigan and the weather is crazy, we got snow. It was my favorite- big, fluffy flakes- and because it looked so pretty and we've gotten so little of it and it wasn't enough to warrant shoveling, I didn't mind it one bit. It made my drive to go see the new "Beauty and the Beast" with friends even more magical. By the way, there was this big controversy over the movie, they claimed that it had some super inappropriate gay insinuations. Honestly, I doubt my kids will notice those insinuations, and call me naive, but I am not sure I would have noticed them if I hadn't been told about them. It was a really fantastically done remake and I LOVED it! Plus it was fun to hang out with my buddies and have a night out.

Today I was looking at houses for sale on my phone, a girl can dream right? Lucy was looking with me and decided she wanted to buy one. I told her that we needed lots and lots of money to buy it. She thought for a moment and then said "Idea!" and ran off. When she came back she was holding my wallet and said, "You have money in here!" Smart girl- too bad my wallet falls several hundred thousand short.

Also today Lucy went to an art birthday party- it was super fun with painting a canvas and drawing blindfolded and playing "paint, paint, brush." It also inspired Lucy to paint... Penny. Penny is only crying in the picture because she didn't want me to take her picture- she actually loved having Lucy paint her- goofballs!

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