Saturday, March 25, 2017

Leadership Assembly, Kensington Farm, Encouraging Pictures

Another week down in the books! Yesterday felt like Spring, today feels more like winter- crazy Michigan weather! I only hope it gets itself under control for Spring Break which is only a week away! I would love to spend it outdoors!

Monday and Tuesday were spent cleaning and running errands. Wednesday night was book club and it was one of the best ones I have gone to since they actually discussed the book! A lot of the ones I have been to before end up being more socializing then book discussing. It's not that I don't like socializing but it's nice to actually have a good discussion about a book. 

Thursday I was the BEST sub- where you sub in different classes so teachers can meet with the Resource teacher. That was the very first sub job I did here in Michigan and it was fun to do it again, now with some more experience under my belt. I still experienced some challenging classes but I definitely felt more confident this time around. 

Thursday night the kids had a Leadership assembly. Each grade level does a special song to teach us one of the leadership characteristics that they learn at school. Since it get's too crowded in the cafeteria, they split it so half met in the gym and half in the cafeteria. Tyler and I each took a girl and went to a different room so that the boys would have someone in the audience each time they performed. 

Unfortunately for me, I picked the delayed room (they performed in the other room first and then came to mine). Not only did I get the delayed room but I sat in a spot not ideal for leaving so I couldn't easily just slip out after the boys' grade levels had both performed. Tyler, who hates crowds and events, was so cranky by the time me and Lucy came out and Ben was having conniptions because he had thought I had left without him. It ended in kind of a disaster of bad emotions but the performances themselves were really cute and fun.

Friday the weather was absolute perfection! I was kind of feeling pooped, I still have some fun sinus/cough problems, but I knew we had to go out and enjoy the lovely temperatures. We ended up at the farm in Kensington and I am so glad we went. It was fun to see how excited Penny got about riding on a rocking horse there but how she got even more excited when she saw a real horse. She is definitely getting older and more interested in these things. We saw all the animals and then spent most of our time in a little play area that had a wooden tractor and a play house. There were bugs surrounding that play house and some in it too which totally grossed me out but didn't seem to bother the girls. I guess they're not scared of no bugs.

Friday night we went to the going away party of our friends, the Chappell's. They leave us next week which is sad since their daughter Audrey is one of Lucy's favorite friends and Penny loves their littlest, Felicity. The party was fun until my tummy started bothering me and we ended up having to leave out early. Ugh, it is not fun having an easily upset tummy. 

This week we also have been making some things for Mariah's husband Jeff who is taking the MCAT's and needs a little encouragement because he is feeling nervous. I am super proud of these photo's I made :)

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