Sunday, March 12, 2017


This week was significantly better than last week. The only unhealthy person this week has been me. I have had some yucky sinus issues and a yucky cough but I can deal with all that way better than stomach bug issues.

Mostly this week was filled with the normal chores and errands of every day life and sprinkled with some fun moments of hanging out with friends. It was a good, mostly uneventful, week. 

Monday morning Lucy shared a story with me about how when Grandma was watching her she climbed up a tree and got stuck in it like a cat. Then the fire department came and got her down with a ladder. She said the firemen called her a silly coconut for being stuck in the tree. It sounded so real that I almost believed that maybe Grandma was hiding something from us...until she said it was a candy tree and had lots of lollipops. This girl has quite the imagination!

Tuesday we spent the whole morning with friends that are moving away next month. It will be so hard to see them go. Lucy is such great buddies with Audrey, so much so that Audrey sat at the door and whimpered when it was time for us to go. Penny also loves hanging with them and threw a royal fit, screaming the entire way home when we left. Ugh, why must people leave us?

Tuesday night, I was pooped. I made Tyler take everyone to a Cub Scout pack meeting and I stayed home and took a walk to the library and Kroger's. I was so grateful he took all the kids. It was so nice to have a peaceful stroll after dealing with Penny's tantrums that day.

Wednesday was one of the windiest days ever in Michigan. There were many a trees knocked down and lots of garbage cans rolling around in the streets. Somehow, despite hundreds of thousands of people losing power in Michigan that day, we kept our power and the boy's school didn't lose power either. I feel so blessed. We have some people in our ward who were without power for days, one family just got theirs back on yesterday, Saturday. The worst part for all these poor families is that our temp's here have been bitter cold (20's). Once again I feel so blessed that we did not lose electricity.

Friday Tyler was off of work to make up for working last weekend and I was going to try to sub but I have been feeling really unhappy with subbing so I ended up not taking a job. Instead I had a really exciting day of filing our taxes while Tyler fixed the rotors and brake pads on my car. It was a productive day, I'll give you that! 

Saturday I went out to run errands thinking I would just be out a couple of hours...5 hours later I was on my way home. I guess I had too much fun strolling every single aisle in every single store I went into. I didn't even buy anything for me. I just got some Easter Basket things for the kids. I am not sure what's going on with me but I have really been needing a lot of "me" time lately and I am so lucky to have a husband who let's me have it.

And a Lucy story... Lucy had gotten into the habit of saying the word "forever" constantly. I would say "We need to go to Walmart," and her response would be, "Forever!?" It was super driving me crazy so I told her I would take away a jewel every time she says it. The funny thing is that she just randomly puts jewels in the jar for the most part and we don't actually have her use them for TV time but she would get so broken hearted if she had to lose them. There was many a time that she would say, "Forev- No! I don't want to lose my jewels!" before she finally stopped saying it all the time.

And a Penny story...this morning Penny threw an epic tantrum when I was trying to give her pigtails. I have given her pigtails like a billion times before so I couldn't figure out what her problem was. It turns out she didn't want pigtails, she wanted A ponytail. I hate how opinionated she already is about her hair *sigh*

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