Sunday, February 26, 2017

Highs and Lows

This week was full of highs and lows. Lets start with the lows so we can end with the good stuff.

Low#1: An awful stomach bug being passed around our house. Lucy got it first and was sick for 4 straight days. So tired, hardly eating and drinking and nothing stayed in. She was very pathetic and had to be carried around everywhere and pushed in a stroller whenever we went out. But by Thursday she was back to her sassy self and able to walk to the park to enjoy the sunshine and she was later dressing up in some dancing clothes with her sister:

Ben wasn't feeling well Friday so I let him stay home thinking he might have got the bug too. He slept most of the day and ate very little. Dinner time came and Grams wanted to take the kids to McDonald's. I offered to stay home with Benny but he really wanted to go so I figured he could just sit at the table with us. Well, he insisted on eating and after his first bite he threw up all over the floor. I felt so bad for the person who had to clean up after him (he said he wasn't allowed to use a mop so he had to wipe all it up). And of course, I felt sorry for this little stink too.

On our way home from that fun, Steven was super worried about catching Ben's germs. Me, being the childish person I am, had Ben breathe on my hand and I threatened to touch Steven with it. Of course Karma came after me and that night I woke up horribly sick with the stomach bug. It was seriously one of the worst bugs I've had but thankfully I didn't get 4 days of it like the kids, by Saturday night I was feeling better.

Low #2: The brake pad and rotor going out on my rear wheel. Frustrating that we already have to replace something on the vehicle we just bought. Also frustrating to go without a car for a bit while I waited for Tyler to fix it. Technically it's still not fixed. The parts he ordered for cheap haven't come in yet so he just replaced the pad and is hoping it'll hold up until the parts get back in and he comes back home from being up North.

The weather is cooling back down up North so Tyler is leaving today to go up North and it is looking like he will also have to be away during the time we had booked our visit to The Great Wolf Lodge. I was so excited to go next week but we had to reschedule and we couldn't get the same rates until the end of April. Now I have to wait another two months for our fun vacation. Lame.

Onto the highs from this week:

High #1: Going to a fancy mall in Troy, Michigan where we first ate a super yummy lunch at my favorite Chick-Fil-A and then we went to the Lego Store. The boys were so jealous that Tyler and I got to visit one in Chicago so I looked up the closest one to us and since it was only 45 minutes away I figured we should go. It wasn't nearly as fancy as the one in Chicago but the kids still loved it and Grams properly spoiled the boys. They each got to make 3 mini figures of their own and then she bought them a LEGO set. Penny and Ben both had fun posing with the figures:

High #2: Wednesday after Penny's speech class the weather was so perfect that we decided to make a trip to the Detroit Zoo and finally use the pass my parents had gotten us. It was super crowded because of the great weather but it was worth the crowds. We got to check out the cool new Penguin exhibit and get up close and personal with one of the penguins. It was so funny because a little boy at the window had a stuffed animal in his hands and it kept trying to peck through the glass to get it.

The kids also loved the butterfly exhibit, although it was hard for Lucy since we couldn't take the stroller in and she was still feeling sick.

Our absolute favorite exhibit was the polar bears. They were so active and we got to see them up close a lot. Lucy was even willing to get out of her stroller to see them. Penny actually got a little scared with them being so close. Usually they are in the outside part of their exhibit and far away so it was so fun to get such good views this time.

High #3: I want to end with all THE BLESSINGS to my lows from this week. The blessing of me being sick not only while my mom is in town but on a Saturday while Tyler was off of work. I actually was able to stay in bed all day which I think really helped with my recovery. The blessing that Tyler is able to fix the car so that we don't have to pay for a shop to do it. So much money saved! And the blessing that we were able to reschedule our trip without losing any money and we got the same deal. This week was definitely not easy but I know throughout it all someone was looking out for me.

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