Saturday, April 1, 2017

Ben Turns 7!

This week was a busy one! I started off the week subbing for Ben's teacher who had come down with a stomach bug. Since it was a last minute request, her sub plans were not super extensive. In the afternoon she had allotted an hour for a math lesson that took 20 minutes. I ended up having the kids play board games and then I made up my own Math Review game. I was proud of myself for my ingenuity, although the kids were less than thrilled with my game, they just wanted to play board games forever ;) 

Tuesday Ben's teacher was still sick and she asked me to sub but I had too much to get done and no babysitter anyways so I had to tell her no. Instead I spent my Tuesday going to a primary meeting, errand running and house cleaning. Super unexciting. 

Wednesday was Ben's seventh birthday! Like his siblings, he insisted on opening presents that morning before school. He had such a hard time waiting for me and Tyler to come downstairs but he was so excited by his gifts and so grateful that I didn't feel too cranky with his impatience.

Then he had Lucky Charms for breakfast *just like his brother* and it was off to school. For lunch, Tyler picked him up and took him to McDonald's and then I got to be his substitute teacher that afternoon- his teacher was still sick and I was able to arrange a babysitter for the afternoon. It was good I was there because he had a hard time coming back after going out to lunch with Tyler- he's been having some anxiety issues lately when things don't go as scheduled. It was fun subbing because I got to be there when his class celebrated his birthday. He was so smiley, it was great!

That night we had pizza as requested by Ben and then an emoji cake that Tyler had decorated. Ben is so emoji obsessed, he loves the poop emoji best but we somehow managed to get him to choose the cool face. 

I am so grateful for this sweet tender hearted boy who told me that his birthday, in all its simpleness, was perfect.

Thursday night was our Primary Teacher Appreciation. I like how our Presidency keeps things simple, we each brought a few finger foods and then we all played Bunco. The Primary Teachers were a little less exciting than my normal Bunco group-- one Brother got two Bunco's in a row and showed no enthusiasm for it whatsoever-- but I think everyone still had a good time.

Friday I got to sub for the challenging Kindergarten class that I've subbed for before-- she always flatters me and then I can't say no. The day started off well when I took attendance and found out that 5 kids were absent (families getting head starts on Spring Break I guess). I had a grand total of 15 kids which was awesome, except 2 of them were super challenging. They kept arguing with each other until it escalated and the one challenging kid ended up hitting the other challenging kid. It got worse, as I was calling the office to report the hitting (as requested by the teacher), the one that got hit grabbed a pair of scissors and threatened the hitter with them.I intervened and no one was hurt but they both ended up going home for the day. Honestly, the incident wasn't fun but it was short lived and it was such a relief to have the two gone. The day ended really well with only 13 non challenging kids to teach and watch.

Today,Saturday, was a General Conference which was a great reprieve the busy hub bub of the week. As I have grown older I have really grown to love and appreciate Conference. If only I could get my kids to appreciate it too...without bribery. Our bribery today was jewels. They get one jewel for listening quietly to talk and another one if they can tell us what the talk was about. The jewels go towards a toy prize. It worked but I just hate that they have to be bribed.

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