Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Halloween Treats

Last Saturday night we had the Ward's Trunk or Treat party. Before we left we took some cute pictures of our kids all dressed up. While getting cute pictures of the girls was tricky, the boys were very cooperative and all about posing for the camera: 

Penny was really upset and did not want to take pictures outside so the boys did the posing for her:

The Trunk or Treat Party was not my favorite thing. The food was fine but afterwards they had games for the kids and Penny was in a super cranky mood (probably related to the dental work she had gotten done Friday). She was fussy and throwing tantrums and I struggled to take care of her and keep my eye on my other 3 (Tyler was busy chatting it up with friends). By the time we reached trunk or treat time I was ready to meltdown myself. Thankfully Penny did a full 180 as soon as she realized that people were actually just handing out candy FOR FREE, this sugar addict was all about that fun:

I made a pretty sad attempt to decorate our trunk. We merely collected all of the kids stuffed animals and put them in the trunk. We also put up some "bars" and the kids made a sign. At least I did something though ;)

We have a man in our Ward who takes pictures as a side business and he was nice enough to take pictures at the party. These were the gems he took for us:

Halloween was on a Monday this year. That meant that the boys got to have fun parties at school on the actual holiday and I got to come see them walk in their Halloween parade:

After school I had this awesome plan to get 50 cent corn dogs and slushies at Sonic for dinner but the kids decided they just couldn't get along on the drive there so I ended up turning the car around and just going home. It was a very long agonizing drive home. When we got home I decided to make them a dinner that reflected my emotions- an angry ghost:

After dinner I took the kids trick or treating while Tyler stayed home and passed candy. I discovered while I was out with the kids that mostly just dads take their kids trick or treating. I felt like the lone mom out there. I didn't realize I was such an anomaly but I really like watching my kids trick or treating. I especially found some entertainment in the fact the Penny was not scared of any of the creepy costumes or creepy decorations but she was terrified of any homes had a dog out.

After we did a couple streets with the girls, we walked them back home and then headed out to hit up another street. The girls seemed to enjoy passing out candy with Tyler:

And they boys sure enjoyed seeing more creepy decorations and getting more candy for me them

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