Saturday, October 29, 2016

Walks & Pumpkins

Sunday was a perfect Fall day, the weather was absolutely beautiful! Tyler's mom's friend, Michelle, was still in town for work so we took a walk with her in Indian Springs Metropark Sunday afternoon. We had never been to any of the trails at this Metropark so it was fun to explore a new place and visit with Michelle! Here are some pictures from our walk:

Also on Sunday, the girls wore their new dresses that their Grams Brady got them. They looked so stinking cute and they got so many compliments. I just wish I could've gotten a better picture of Lucy. When I asked if I could take her picture she ran into the corner. I have no idea why, maybe she was feeling shy?

Monday night for FHE we carved our pumpkins. And by "we", I mean the kids told Tyler what they wanted their pumpkins to look like and he carved them. It was lots of work for him and is going to be even more work for him next year when Penny has an opinion too! 

I did help him out though by cleaning out all the pumpkin guts. I used the fancy Pinterest trick of attaching a beater to a drill to clear out the guts. That trick worked like a charm and made the nasty gut cleaning process WAY easier! Penny spent most of the pumpkin carving time inside the house watching us from the window. It was a chilly night so I didn't blame her!

Tuesday I went to Target to exchange some pants. When I got back to the car after exchanging them, I couldn't find my car keys anywhere! I went back inside Target to see if I had dropped them somewhere-I had only been to the returns counter and the boy's section- and was still not able to find them. This is when I began to panic. I went back to my car started unloading the diaper bag for the bazillionth time and then I patted my pockets. I swore I had already done this but apparently I hadn't because there they were. They were in my jacket pocket the ENTIRE time. I felt like such a basket case. I swear I am literally loosing my mind these days.

Wednesday I had my pre-applicant sub meeting. Basically we turned in paperwork and were trained on how to use the sub system and how to be a good sub. It was stuff I already know so it was pretty unexciting. The next day I went and got my fingerprints done and so now all I have to do is wait for an email that tells me if I am hired or not. I am equal parts excited and nervous about subbing again. I am also hoping subbing might help my mind return to me!

Friday Penny got her dental work done. It was about traumatic as I expected it to be. The sedative they gave her made her sluggish but it did not prevent her from being aware of what was going on. She cried throughout the whole procedure. Thankfully Tyler went back with her and I could not hear her in the waiting room. I would not have been able to cope with seeing her so upset and being able to do nothing about it. She had a really rough day after getting the work done but that was to be expected. Nobody enjoys getting a root canal and crown. Thankfully, she is doing much better today. The only funny thing about that whole ordeal was that when the sedative was first setting, she just started giggling randomly and saying "Barbie, Barbie!" 

Also this week, Lucy informed me that she has a brother named James who lives in a tent in the woods. But right now James is visiting his Grandma in AZ. That girl and her imagination! She is very much like Steven!

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