Saturday, November 5, 2016

Lucy's Very Pony Birthday!

On Tuesday Miss Lucy turned 4 and I let her take charge of her special day. Her first request was to open presents when she woke up. It was a good request because she loved all her fun gifts and they kept her entertained for most of the day!

Her next request was a PB&J for breakfast and later on in the day a walk down to the park. We were watching her friend Peter, so he got join us on our park expedition! It was the perfect park day with the temps in the 70's!

After park fun it was back home for another PB&J and more playing with her new things. Below she is sporting her new umbrella (which she held like a Princess while I pulled her in a wagon around our sunny yard) and she is sporting her new Rainbow Dash jacket (which Steven described Rainbow Dash to his friend Max as a pony that "kind of acts like a boy").

For dinner Lucy requested chicken nuggets and her brothers kindly translated that to mean McDonald's. The kids had a blast junking out on McDonald's food and playing in the play place.

It was a good birthday for Miss Lucy!

On Saturday we had Lucy's birthday party. We invited 6 friends from church and 5 of them ended up coming. Tyler couldn't be at the party because he had signed up to teach at Scout Merit Badge University (and had forgotten until a couple days before the party, too late to reschedule). But Tyler still managed to make Lucy an amazing Pinkie Pie Birthday cake, she obviously loved it!

I feel like this was one of my favorite parties I have thrown. It was nothing fancy, it was totally simple (which means not stressful) and all the kids seemed to have a good time. 

One of the games we played was "Pin the Cutie Mark on Pinkie Pie." The boys were good sports and wore the masks and played too. My kids were total cheaters though, both Lucy and Steven looked under the mask and "managed" to pin the cutie mark right on Pinkie Pie's flank. Some kids didn't wear the mask and managed to get the balloons in exactly the wrong spot, ha ha! 

After pinning on Pinkie Pie's cutie mark, I let the kids get their own cutie marks. However, we didn't put their cutie marks on their flanks ;)

Our next activity was to find Rarity's jewels. I put out a bunch of colored glass globs on the front porch and let the kids go out and find them. Josie is the oldest and was by far the best finder. All the other kids would walk right past them and she would just walk behind them picking them up. She was a sweetie though and let me take some out so the other kids could get them.

 After jewel finding the kids played some more and then it was time to eat pizza and PB&J's. I kept things super easy for myself and just did a frozen pizza and Smucker's Uncrustables. The pizza turned out a little crispy but the kids didn't seem to mind, except for Lucy who didn't want to eat either one of her usual favorite things. But since she was the birthday girl I let her get out of eating lunch and she skipped right on to the cake

The cake was a big hit and, thankfully, pretty much devoured. Then Lucy got to open her presents and she got plenty of awesome pony things. Her sweet friend Josie, even made her a pony blanket. How awesome is that!?

This girl was seriously spoiled and had a pretty fabulous birthday week!

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