Sunday, November 13, 2016

Election Day, Concoctions, Leaves & Primary Program

Tuesday was Election Day and Tyler got the day off which was great. We took the kids and walked down to our polling place in the morning. It was a beautiful day for a walk and we lucked out and had a very short line to wait in before voting. The only reason for the line was because the computers for checking people in weren't working. After about 10 min's or so they were functioning again and the short line moved quickly and we were able to vote. I have to say I wasn't feeling super happy about voting since neither of the candidates were lovely people but I am grateful we live in a country where we are allowed to vote.

After voting, we took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese to have some fun and eat some lunch. It was nice to be there with Tyler for once, we each took a girl and the boys just kind of did their own thing. No documentation of the boys but here are some cute pics of the girls.

This week I found out I was hired on as a substitute which is awesome! I decided that I would feel more comfortable being a sub again if I went into the boys' classes and observed for a day. I also figured that would be a good networking opportunity so I spent Thursday at the boys' school. I am definitely glad I did that. It was good to get acquainted with their school and reacquainted with teaching. It was also fun to see the boys at school. I was so impressed with Ben's teacher, she is amazing! And she was so nice to me, she told me she would give my contact info to other teachers and that their was a definite need for good subs at their school.

Steven's teacher, on the other hand, popped my joyous bubble by telling me she didn't think I would be able to sub at just their school 3 or 4 times a month. She told me that the boys' school already has their regular subs and that people don't take off work much. It was a very awkward conversation. Honestly, I find her pretty awkward in general and Steven's class was kind of just a crazy mess. Their was a lot of political talk from 8 year olds that I didn't deem appropriate. Ugh.

So now I am not sure what to expect. I am just hoping I can get at least 2 sub jobs this year so that I can pay off the money that I spent to become a sub. Boo.

On Friday I decided to be a fun mom and about died inside from the awful mess it created. Steven had a book he got from the library with different concoctions he could make and so we did the only one we had the ingredients for: cornstarch and water. The boys had a blast with it, and Tyler had a great time talking to them about why it went from liquid to solid feeling. I just kept panicking about the messes. I am so not fun. 

Saturday afternoon we decided to tackle the massive amount of leaves we have in our backyard and we quickly discovered that there was not nearly enough daylight left in the day to make a dent in them. Tyler used his leaf blower to blow them all against the fence and we got about 10 bags full (we have previously filled 10 other bags from leaves from the front and side yard). Tyler estimates that we probably have another 20 bags to go. Best to do them this week before temperatures drop back down in the 40's *sigh*

Can you find 3 kids hiding in the leaves? 

At least Penny is a fan of the leaves...

Today we had our Primary Program and I am SOOOO glad today is over. Our Primary President had to go out of town last minute because her father had a stroke. She put me in charge. I am just the secretary, I don't need that kind of pressure! I was already in charge of all the after program fun stuff. Anyways it was a busy weekend getting everything hammered out and ready and I was really nervous the day of but it went pretty well (minus two kids who almost took a nose dive off the foot stool and the Sunbeams who could not stop wiggling and giggling for the life of them). After the program we all gathered in the gym for a picture, and if you can't tell by the picture, it was complete chaos...

But once we got them all divided up and in their classrooms, things went well and I feel like I did pretty good planning it all. Go me!

And because I forgot to post them before, here are the boys school pictures. Steven will be getting retakes since he has a lovely fat lip in his picture. I think we will just have to deal with Ben's less then nice hair.

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