Saturday, November 19, 2016

The Milford Reveal & First Sub Jobs

On Monday Lucy had her 4 year check up. To celebrate turning 4 she had to get 4 shots. She was not happy about that and since they made me hold her hands down while she got the shots she felt that I was responsible for her pain. Afterwards she asked, "Why you hurt me mom?" She also became unable to do many tasks like getting in and out of the car, she was pretty good at milking these shots for all they were worth.

Tuesday was a crummy day. Lucy was in a mood and threw an epic tantrum over yogurt while we drove the boys to school. Then we went to Salvation Army and Penny broke probably one of the nicest cups you could find there, thankfully they said we didn't have to pay for it. After that I thought I would help bag some leaves and my wedding rings fell off into one of the bags. I didn't realize they were missing until I was closing the bag and bringing it out to the curb. I had to then dump out the whole bag (the one I had JUST filled) to find them. It was literally like trying to find a needle in a haystack, so painful. Thankfully I found them though. Then that night when I was taking Steven to Scouts Penny had a meltdown because she wanted to go with him and Ben had a meltdown because he was scared of ghosts. It was a LONG day.

I didn't end up going to Bunco on Wednesday because I tried to be helpful. Someone was asking for a sub for Bunco so I asked Laci if she could sub for her. She had had a bad day (because us moms do from time to time) and so she was more than happy to sub and excited to go and get out of the house. Well, when I told this person I had a sub for her she said she didn't need a sub anymore because she was able to come after all. I felt so terrible leaving Laci high and dry, especially after she had had such a bad day so I got a sub for me and then Laci and I went out to The Cheesecake Factory instead. It was such a fun night! But apparently I worried everyone by not coming to Bunco and got a lot of texts from people asking me if everything was Ok. I feel so loved, ha ha!

Thursday I had my first substitute job at the boy's school. It was an afternoon half day and I thought it was going to be super easy because it was for the resource teacher. I figured a half day running small group instruction, piece of cake! It was not at all what I was expecting. I subbed for a class at each grade level in the 3.5 hours that I was there. I would watch a teacher's class while they went and met with the resource teacher to discuss students. I was in these classrooms anywhere from 20 minutes to 50 minutes. It wasn't enough time to lay down rules or establish any kind of authority. 

Some of the classes were really well behaved and the teacher had good stuff for me to do with them but others not so much. I had a second grade classroom where the teacher wasn't even there when I got there and the teacher next door told me to just go over the next pages in their math workbook. No guideline on how to do that or on the kids prior knowledge. It was horrible and the class was crazy and when the teacher came back she seemed peeved with me. Ugh. Then there was a Kinder class with a student who had some severe issues. He got upset over a pencil and jabbed a little girl with it and then threw over some chairs, curled up into a ball and started sobbing. Like I said, some rough classes but at least I ended the day in a class where two teachers team taught so the other teacher basically took over and I got to just be a warm body in the room. Now that's a class I could sub for again :)

Thursday night we went to the Downtown Milford Big Reveal. This is where the kids get to rip wrapping paper off the windows to reveal the fun holiday displays the shops have. Steven insisted on staying by his friend Max but it was a really crowded spot so I let Tyler & Penny stay with them and I took Lucy and Ben down to an empty spot. They had plenty of wrapping paper to rip off and they had a blast doing it. Behind the wrapping paper was basically a bunch of immodest teenager holiday dresses so no pictures of that. After ripping our paper we took a stroll to see the other displays. The kids favorite display is always Clothing Cove because it has real people in it. One window had a girl making cookies and the other window had a group of teenagers in old fashioned Christmas attire. They also liked another store window that had a little boy in it writing down names on Santa's good list. The best part of the night was that it was in the 60's so we were all plenty warm!

Friday I had another afternoon half day sub job, this time for a second grade classroom at another school. It was another rough experience. The class had so many tough personalities, there was a girl that was always crying because someone was mean to her, there was a boy who felt that everyone was out to get him, there was a very hyper girl who could not sit still or be quiet for the life of her and all the kids seemed to have to pee constantly and most of them would start crying if I didn't let them go. Everyone survived, there were no injuries and we did everything in the lesson plan so despite the craziness of it all, I guess I can count that as a success right? I am beginning to wonder what I used to see in subbing *sigh*

Hopefully my next sub job is good to me and makes it feel like this is a good way to make some extra cash and for now I will just be grateful that those tough experiences are over and that this long week is over and that I can stuff my face with Thanksgiving food next week!

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