Sunday, October 2, 2016


This past week felt pretty gloomy. It literally rained on and off throughout each day this week. That meant very little sunshine and very little time outdoors. What added to the gloom was that we couldn't go anywhere to play indoors either because the girls still had coughs and runny noses. It was a very cooped up, cabin fever kind of week but I am happy to report that the sun is out again, the forecast is looking promising for the week and the girls seem to be on the mend so good times are ahead!

Just to keep myself sane this week, me and the girls took a couple brief walks in the rain and sat outside under umbrellas and watched the rain coming down:

Also in the name of sanity we went on an outing to the craft store where I bought some supplies to make a felt board and felt board scenes for the kids to play with. I cut a lot of felt this week but it was so worth it. All the kids have found it highly entertaining. Benny has especially loved playing with it after school and even helped me cut out some felt monsters to play with. I didn't snap a picture of the monsters but here's Benny playing with the pumpkin:

We also took a trip to the dollar tree and picked up some spider web for the porch. Lucy then insisted I put it up that same day. That's right I put up my spider web before it was even October and believe me I paid the price for it. That night it was rainy and extremely windy and my spider web already looks like poop :(

Friday night Tyler had a camp out with his Scouts and was given permission to take Steven along. However with all the rain, all his wimpy scouts cancelled on him and he ended up just going with Steven. Steven was super hyper about the whole thing and apparently nonstop talked the entire time. The rain definitely did not put a damper on his fun.

Saturday we were scheduled to get family pictures and I was a little concerned that it might not work out with all the rain but lucky for us the weather cooperated and we had one of the most positive picture taking experiences ever. We were scheduled for a Fall Mini Session with our photographer which means she does a 30 min session in a pretty location that has lots of Fall colors and she also had 2 cute Fall set ups (one a pumpkin stand and the other hay bales). Doing picture in a 30 minute interval meant she had to work quickly which is exactly what our kids need. It went fast, the background was beautiful and there were no melt downs or freak outs. I am so excited to see the pictures! I wish I could see them now!! I mean look how cute Penny still looked right after them:

Also this week, I finished applying to substitute and I am pretty disgruntled by the whole thing. I waited until I had all my ducks in a row (letters of reference and contact info for previous employers) before filling out the application. Only I found out that I didn't need all that stuff for the application and that by waiting to fill out my application I just barely missed the September Substitute Pre-Applicant Meeting. Now I have to wait for the on at the end of October before I can go any further. It probably will be Nov or Dec before I can actually start subbing which is sooooo lame and frustrating.

A few tender mercies that I want to share so I can end on a positive note...

Monday morning I was feeling broke but wanting a date night with Tyler. I thought in my head, "Wouldn't it be great if a gift card and money for a babysitter just magically appeared?" That same day I was cleaning out my pile of junk and out slipped a forgotten gift card. Now we just have to find a babysitter so we can get out!

Also this week I was worrying about who would watch the boys if I got sub jobs at other schools. Well, lo and behold Steven's friend Max's dad (they live just 2 houses down) asked about carpooling. So now not only do I get to share the responsibility of taking my boys to school and back everyday but he also offered to help watch the boys before or after school when needed. 

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