Saturday, October 22, 2016

Fall Days

We had our landlord do a walk through Monday and I am so glad to have that done with. It went OK. Our landlord seemed to be cool with the normal wear and tear so that was good. She will definitely not be reimbursing me for painting supplies which stinks, kind of took the wind out of my sails. I was all prepared to make this home more pretty but her "eh" attitude changed my mind. The only thing she seemed genuinely surprised about was a pantry door that is falling apart. But it is an ancient folding door that opens and closes a lot so I'm not quite sure that she should have be surprised by that.

After Penny's speech group on Wednesday we decided to stop by Kensington. The weather was warm and the Fall leaves were oh so pretty. When I suggested taking some pictures, Lucy got very into that idea. She kept pointing to places and asking if I would take her picture there. She is such a diva already. Penny is also a diva and gets really upset whenever I try to dress her. She wants to pick out her own clothes(and her own shoes and her own jackets) and she doesn't always have the best fashion sense ;)

On Wednesday we also got our first Kohl's package from Grandma (who now works there). The kids were ecstatic, it was like Christmas! Since I have been a cheap-o lately and getting a lot of their clothes from Salvation Army, I was also excited. I love being able to dress them in cute new things, even cute new jammies:

And to add to our crazy Wednesday, Tyler's mom's friend, Michelle, was in town again and we had her over for dinner. It's always nice to chat with her and hear all the Hatch family updates. It's also just nice to have someone from AZ here. It makes me feel a little less homesick. She took some selfies with my kids:

Friday I made a run to Walmart for just a few groceries and to look at shoes for Lucy and remembered why I do Meijer's Curbside. Penny had an utter meltdown because I wouldn't let her have any shoes and screamed the whole way to check out. When we got to the self check out (because all the other lanes had lines) we realized the shoes I was getting for Lucy had no tag so then Lucy had a meltdown when I told her we weren't going to get them- no way was I going to wait for a price check with a screaming Penny. It was horrible. I also realized that the last meltdown Penny had in a store was for the exact same reason- I didn't let her get a pair of shoes when we were looking at shoes at Salvation Army. I think this girl has a shoe addiction. Or maybe it's just the woes of being the child that only gets hand me downs?

Friday night we went to a birthday party for a friend (the one who fixed our shower last weekend). It was so fun to get out and socialize and play silly games. I always forget how needed that time is!

Today after I left to run some errands Lucy got pretty upset and I guess Tyler had a talk with her about her behavior. She then went up to her room even though Tyler didn't tell her to. After awhile Tyler went to check up on her and asked her why she was reading upstairs. She said "Because I don't like you." Such a sad story.

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