Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Fat Lip & Nice Weather

Last Sunday Penny woke up from her nap with some awesome bedhead, I had to document that fun:

This past week was a much better week than last. There was very little rain and the girls were feeling much better so we were able to hang out with friends and enjoy the sunshine. 

Tuesday evening Steven had a Campfire Pack Meeting at the Hess's Home. It was actually the best Pack Meeting ever because the Hess family lives so close by so we didn't have to drive far for once, plus the Hess family has an awesome backyard for all the other kids to play in. Steven was the master of ceremonies for the night, which meant he got to use a bullhorn to conduct the Pack Meeting. He was nervous at first but he did fine and ended up being a little too comfortable with the limelight.

Unfortunately the super great Pack Meeting had a pretty bad ending. The Hess family has a zipline in their backyard and one of the kids pushed back the handlebars you hang from pretty hard and it hit Steven right in the lip. It was perfect timing since he had picture day that Thursday. Ugh.

Park play date, story time at the library, Penny's mom/tot group, a play date at a friend's home, a family service project helping a Ward member move their firewood stash, walks, bike rides, a baptism, a birthday party, a date night for Tyler & me and that pretty much is our week in a nutshell. These pictures below show how Lucy has felt about this week ;) 

After church today I heard Lucy singing the car: "Jesus don't follow me, go away..." and other awesome similar things. I think she is learning a lot at church.

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